On 5/1/23 05:19, Laine Stump wrote:
> Instead of calling iptableSetupPrivateChains(), the network driver now
> calls virNetfilterSetupPrivateChains() (which right now always calls
> the iptables version of the function, but in the future might instead
> call the nftables version).
> virNetFilterSetupPrivateChains() needs an argument to know which
> backend to call, and that means that networkSetupPrivateChains() has
> to take an argument (we can't rely on getting the setting from the
> driver config, because the unit tests don't initialize the network
> driver).
> But networkSetupPrivateChains() was being called with virOnce(), and
> virOnce() doesn't support calling functions that require an argument
> (it's based on pthread_once(), which accepts no arguments, so it's not
> something we can easily fix in our implementation of virOnce()). So
> instead this patch changes things to handle the "do it once"
> functionality by adding a static lock, and putting all of
> networkSetupPrivateChains() (including the setting of "chainInitDone")
> inside a lock guard - now the places that used to call it via
> virOnce(), just call it directly instead.
> (If it turns out to be significant, we could optimize this by checking
> for chainInitDone outside the lock guard, returning immediately if
> it's already set, and then moving the setting of chainInitDone up to
> the top of the guarded section.)
> Signed-off-by: Laine Stump <la...@redhat.com>
> ---
>  src/libvirt_private.syms          |  1 +
>  src/network/bridge_driver_linux.c | 30 +++++++++++++++---------------
>  src/util/viriptables.h            |  7 ++++---
>  src/util/virnetfilter.c           | 16 ++++++++++++++++
>  src/util/virnetfilter.h           |  3 +++
>  5 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

This is where I stop my review for today as I have some errands to run.
I'll resume tomorrow. So far, this looks good.


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