On Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 05:17:06AM -0700, Andrea Bolognani wrote:
> Resurrecting this thread now what you've pushed some of the patches.
> On Mon, Feb 06, 2023 at 02:53:06PM +0100, Erik Skultety wrote:
> > +# $MESON_ARGS correspond to meson's setup args, i.e. configure args. It's
> > +# populated either from a GitLab's job configuration or from command line 
> > as
> > +# `$ helper build --meson-configure-args=-Dopt1 -Dopt2` when run in a local
> > +# containerized environment
> You need quotes around the value. As is, the shell will interpret
> '--meson-configure-args=-Dopt1' and '-Dopt2' as separate arguments
> and things will not work the way you expect them to.
> > -meson setup build --werror -Dsystem=true $MESON_OPTS $MESON_ARGS || \
> > +
> > +meson setup build --werror -Dsystem=true $MESON_ARGS || \
> This has inverted the priority of the two lists of arguments.
> Before the change, an option (e.g. -Dfoo=enabled) could be added to
> $MESON_ARGS at the job level and it would override the same option
> (e.g. -Dfoo=disabled) defined as part of $MESON_OPTS in the container
> image. Now the option in the container image will always take
> precedence, which is undesirable.

Good points. However, I'm already close to proposing something vastly different
from this, dropping most of these variables as they are to make the local
executions pretty much >95% compatible to what happens in GitLab and overriding
these shell variables simply isn't part of it because it only makes sense right
now, but I think with the changes I have it'll only make sense in interactive
container shell sessions in which case it's left to the developer to set and
pass the right options IMO.


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