On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 08:59:27AM +0200, Alon Levy wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 05:36:53PM -0700, Eric Blake wrote:
> > This series has hopefully taken into account all the feedback from v2
> > (https://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2011-January/msg00608.html).
> > 
> > Major changes:
> >  - enhance the XML to support optional ccid <controller> (missing
> > controllers are added according to <address> elements) and optional
> > <address> per smartcard (missing address assume the next available
> > port on controller 0)
> >  - enhance the XML to support an optional <source dev='/path'/> for
> > host mode. For now, this path is only used in SELinux labeling; I
> > suspect that this needs more work, since the point is that a single
> > device in the host should be shared among the NSS implementation of
> > multiple guests (so labeling the host device to belong to a single
> > guest is wrong); but fixing it correctly requires a better
> > understanding of what NSS actually needs to access, as well as
> > possibly modifying qemu's smartcard implementation to take the
> > host device either as a pathname or even as an already-opened fd.
> I just remembered how NSS actually talks to cards. So basically if
> you are using a physical card it will go through a TCP connection to
> a local daemon called pcscd - I'm guessing that means no SELinux
> labeling would be required? Does SELinux label sockets?

Yes, selinux labels *everything*.

> pcscd is a single instance, so wouldn't pose a problem for SELinux.
> It uses libccid which is linked to libusb which does the actual
> device open, so just pcscd needs the permissions for device access.

This will require a SELinux policy addition to allow QEMU to connect
to the pcscd sockets. It isn't something we can solve in the libvirt
security drivers unfortunately. It kind of sucks because we'd need
a admin toggled boolean 'virt_use_smartcards' to allow access globally.
Then again few people will ever use this mode of smartcard access
anyway, so its not too bad.


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