On 04/01/2011 12:10 AM, SanitYey o wrote:
> Hello,
> I've tested some functions of libvirt don't work. Could some people give me a 
> reasonable explanation about these functions?  Why do these function don't 
> work? Or if there is anything wrong of my understanding.
> 1.virsh # migrate 1 xen+ssh://root@ error: POST 
> operation failed: xend_post: error from xen daemon: (xend.err "can't connect: 
> (-2, 'Name or service not known')")

Not sure why you got a failure here; xen migration should indeed work
(although I haven't tried it myself, since I mostly use kvm).

> 2.virsh # dommemstat 5error: Failed to get memory statistics for domain 
> 5error: this function is not supported by the hypervisor: virDomainMemoryStats

Not all hypervisors can support all APIs.  In some cases, it's merely
because no one has contributed the glue code to query the information
available from the hypervisor and convert it into the libvirt reply, in
other cases it is truly because the hypervisor does not track that
information in the first place.  I'm assuming that this is still in
regards to your xen:/// connection?

> 3.virsh # dump 5 fileerror: Failed to core dump domain 5 to fileerror: POST 
> operation failed: xend_post: error from xen daemon: (xend.err 'Too many 
> values for live')

Not sure what failed there; does looking under /var/log/libvirt for a
domain-specific log give any more clues?

> 4.virsh # iface-list error: Failed to list active interfaceserror: this 
> function is not supported by the hypervisor: virConnectNumOfInterfaces

Same category as 2.

> 5.virsh # vncdisplay 5:1
> virsh # vncdisplay 41:0
> 6.virsh # snapshot-create 42 snapshot.xml error: Failed to create snapshot 
> snapshot.xml for domain 42

I don't think snapshot-create has been ported to xen yet; and even for
qemu-kvm, it pretty much only works with qcow2 images at the moment.

> 7.NWFILTER functions
> Thank you very much!

Again, I'm not sure if this has been ported to xen.

You are welcome to help out by writing code for some of the missing
functionality!  Most of the current libvirt contributors tend to use
qemu-kvm or the brand-new libxenlight interface to xen, so we could use
more support from active xen users in developing code to improve the
older xen:/// management interfaces.

Eric Blake   ebl...@redhat.com    +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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