On 07/30/2011 01:15 PM, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 12:31:10PM -0400, Cole Robinson wrote:
>> - Use libguestfs to show guest packagelist and more (Richard W.M. Jones)
> I had one complaint that the dependency on python-libguestfs pulls in
> qemu (from someone using virt-manager to remotely manage systems, so
> they don't want qemu locally and it wouldn't be any use to them for
> libguestfs).
> This is hard to solve, unless RPM grows soft dependencies like dpkg,
> which unfortunately has been rejected many times upstream even though
> it's a good feature of dpkg.
> We might _not_ make it a dependency at all.  Virt-manager will still
> work, just without the enhanced inspection features.
> Just so you know ...

Yeah I had a similar report (or maybe the same one?) Figuring that we go to
great pains in virt-manager to avoid having a dep on qemu or libvirtd (since
virt-manager doesn't need either to be useful), we can't have a hard dep on
libguestfs, so I'll be dropping it for the Fedora packages.


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