The FLOSS weekly podcast is interested in doing an interview about
libvirt development on June 6, at 9:30am Los Angeles time (UTC-7).  For
more information on past podcasts, see:

With prodding from Justin Clift, I have volunteered to take on the task,
but the show host, Randal, prefers to have two developers per show, so
I'm looking for anyone else who has developed for or with libvirt, who
would be interested in sharing the opportunity.  You don't have to have
a lot of commits under your belt, so much as having enough active
interest in the project and what it enables you to do.  In fact, having
someone not directly tied to Red Hat as the second contact will probably
provide a nicer balance to the interview.

Eric Blake    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library

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