On Mon, Apr 02, 2012 at 11:34:09AM -0700, Jason Helfman wrote:
> Hi,
> I was able to get rc2 to build on FreeBSD.
> Here are the buildlogs for current release of FreeBSD (9):
> http://lorie.secnap.net/tb/index.php?action=display_markup_log&build=9-jgh_AMD64&id=1289
> http://lorie.secnap.net/tb/index.php?action=display_markup_log&build=9-jgh_I386&id=1289

Oooh, you have some interesting warnings there I've not seen before
with my GCC

1357    conf/domain_conf.c: In function 'virDomainDiskDefParseXML':
1358    conf/domain_conf.c:3602: warning: null format string [-Wformat]
1359    conf/domain_conf.c:3619: warning: null format string [-Wformat]
1360    conf/domain_conf.c: In function 'virDomainFSDefParseXML':
1361    conf/domain_conf.c:4138: warning: null format string [-Wformat]
1362    conf/domain_conf.c:4144: warning: null format string [-Wformat]
1363    conf/domain_conf.c: In function 'virDomainDefParseXML':
1364    conf/domain_conf.c:7722: warning: null format string [-Wformat]
1365    CC libvirt_conf_la-domain_audit.lo
1366    CC libvirt_conf_la-domain_nwfilter.lo
1367    CC libvirt_conf_la-domain_event.lo
1368    CC libvirt_conf_la-network_conf.lo
1369    conf/network_conf.c: In function 'virNetworkDefParseXML':
1370    conf/network_conf.c:957: warning: null format string [-Wformat]
1371    CC libvirt_conf_la-nwfilter_params.lo
1372    CC libvirt_conf_la-nwfilter_conf.lo
1373    CC libvirt_conf_la-node_device_conf.lo
1374    conf/node_device_conf.c: In function 'virNodeDeviceDefParseXML':
1375    conf/node_device_conf.c:1162: warning: null format string [-Wformat]

...and quite a others of the same issue...

What GCC version does FreeBSD 9 have ?

Also more generally, any reason you don't enable the test suite:

1755    ================================================================
1756    ====================<phase 5: make test>====================
1757    add_pkg
1758    make: don't know how to make regression-test(continuing)
1759    1 error
1760    ================================================================

I'd hope to should pass, and would be interested in any failures

More generally do you have plans to enable more of the hypervisor
drivers besides ESX, VMWare & VirtualBox ?  In theory at least QEMU
and Xen are relevant to the FreeBSD.

|: http://berrange.com      -o-    http://www.flickr.com/photos/dberrange/ :|
|: http://libvirt.org              -o-             http://virt-manager.org :|
|: http://autobuild.org       -o-         http://search.cpan.org/~danberr/ :|
|: http://entangle-photo.org       -o-       http://live.gnome.org/gtk-vnc :|

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