On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 10:26 PM, Eric Blake <ebl...@redhat.com> wrote:

Hi Eric,

> Not necessary.  virCommand is DESIGNED for streamlined usage, so that it
> is much easier to read how the command is constructed without being
> distracted by error checking in the caller every step of the way.  As a
> virCommandPtr has no semantic impact until it is run, it is sufficient
> to delay error checking until the caller is actually ready to run the
> command.  Therefore, we wrote virCommandRun() to specifically check for
> NULL, and report an error at that time, so that the caller need not
> worry about virCommandNew* returning NULL.
> No bug here.

However, we really need not do the following stuffs. It may affect
efficiencies. Maybe i have thought more about this matter.

Harry Wei

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