Laine Stump wrote:

> This is also needed if virDomainNetGetActualType(net) ==
> VIR_DOMAIN_NET_TYPE_NETWORK (since a libvirt virtual network is
> implemented using a bridge device connected to tap devices - see the
> corresponding "create a tap device" code for a network device at
> qemu_command.c:7562).
> Since you would be calling the *Get function so many times, maybe it
> would be better to use a switch statement.
> Of course, the bridge device used by a VIR_DOMAIN_NET_TYPE_NETWORK
> interface is *not* returned by virDomainNetGetActualBridgeName() (which
> is intended to only be a simple wrapper around the interface config), so
> you would need to use the code in the "actualType ==
> VIR_DOMAIN_NET_TYPE_NETWORK" clause of qemuNetworkIfaceConnect() to
> retrieve the appropriate network object and get the name of the bridge
> it uses. (in other words - NETWORK and BRIDGE will need different cases
> in the switch :-( ) (this is now done in enough places that perhaps it
> is time for a helper function)
> Also, notice that the code just below your addition is removing the tap
> device from an openvswitch bridge if necessary - your patch would end up
> calling the wrong function (virNetDevBridgeRemovePort) for interfaces
> attached to an openvswitch port. I think you need to first get the
> actualType and vport, then use the actualType to decide whether or not
> to retrieve brname, and then the vport setting to decide if you need to
> detach from an openvswitch port (always) or detach from a normal bridge
> (freebsd only).


Thanks for looking at this patch! Actually, it's not necessary to
manually detach interfaces from bridge because they'll be detached
automatically when destroyed. I added that code for explicitly and now I
realise that it's probably a bad idea.

I've uploaded v3 of that patch.

Roman Bogorodskiy

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