On 07/14/2014 10:40 AM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:

>>>>              }
>>>> -            def->os.bios.useserial = VIR_DOMAIN_BIOS_USESERIAL_YES;
>>>> +            def->os.bios.useserial = VIR_DOMAIN_YES_NO_ENABLED;
>>>>          } else {
>>>> -            def->os.bios.useserial = VIR_DOMAIN_BIOS_USESERIAL_NO;
>>>> +            def->os.bios.useserial = VIR_DOMAIN_YES_NO_DISABLED;
>>>>          }

>>>>          if (def->data.spice.filetransfer)
>>>>              virBufferAsprintf(buf, "<filetransfer enable='%s'/>\n",
>>>> -                              
>>>> virDomainGraphicsSpiceAgentFileTransferTypeToString(def->data.spice.filetransfer));
>>>> +                              
>>>> virDomainYesNoTypeToString(def->data.spice.filetransfer));
>>>>      }
>>> I'm not really a fan of this cleanup, as IMHO the result is less clear &
>>> harder to follow than the original code.
>> How so? The original code was very repetitive, with multiple enums (all
>> with long names) copying the same few enum elements.  We're not painting
>> ourselves into a corner - if any of the replaced enums ever grows a
>> third value (such as "on", "hybrid", "off"), then we just break that one
>> enum back into a named list rather than using the generic on/off enum.
>> I'm actually in favor of this cleanup.
> Specifically a enum constant name like  YES_NO_DISABLED is just awful IMHO
> compared to the original desriptive name.

Is it just a matter of coming up with a better name?  Maybe:


def->os.bios.useserial = VIR_TRISTATE_NO;

if (def->data.spice.filetransfer) {
    virBufferAsprintf(buf, "<filetransfer enable='%s'/>\n",

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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