Hola Jaime.

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2013/4/8 Jaime Loureiro Acuña <jloure...@gti.uvigo.es>

> My name is Jaime Loureiro and I work in the Network & Applications area in
> University of Vigo. I am writing to you hoping you can help me with some
> libvirt graphics issues.
> I was analysing the source code of the libvirt in order to find how to
> access the display of each virtual machine. We are trying to generate a
> video streaming from the graphics content, though it is not easy to find
> what function is the most appropriate to do that. We tried to use the
> screenshot feature, but the rate is to low to generate a smooth streaming.
> I suposse the vnc server is reading the graphics output of each virtual
> machine at a low level, however I cannot find the exact point where the
> server is.  Currently I am trying to understand the function
> "virDomainOpenGraphics" in libvirt.c and, at a lower level, the function
> "qemuProcessHandleGraphics" in qemu_process.c, but I 'm not sure if it is
> possible to get what we need from them.
> I would appreciate any help or clue you could provide regarding this issue.
> Thank you very much in advance.
> Best regards,
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