On 5/13/20 12:59 PM, Dana Elfassy wrote:
Thanks, Michal,
On my laptop I do have libguestfs and libvirt-daemon-qemu. both libvirtd.service and libvirtd.socket are running ok on my laptop I just realized I haven't mentioned - my vms intend to serve as hosts themselves, and that's why they, too, need to have libvirtd.service running on them. up to recently I didn't have such a problem when I installed a vm on my laptop - libvirtd.service was found on it. I don't know exactly what caused this to change. Maybe it has something to do with configurations/ permissions of libvirt/ kvm? Earlier, I'm not sure how, I managed to have libvirtd.service on a vm I created. it wasn't running, but at least it was there. I'm not sure what I have changed, but now I'm getting the message that the service could not be found again

That sounds like a kickstart/distro problem. Libvirt itself does not guarantee it is installed by default on a distribution. Either you need to specify the correct group to install, or install packages yourself after the installation is done. Configuring what SW is installed inside guest is out of libvirt's scope, sorry.


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