On 3/29/21 4:00 PM, Lentes, Bernd wrote:

i'm playing a bit around with my domains and the balloon driver.
To get information about ballooning i use virsh dommemstat.
But i only get very few information:

virsh # dommemstat vm_idcc_devel
actual 1044480
last_update 0
rss 1030144

Also configuring "dommemstat --domain vm_idcc_devel --period 5 --live"
or "dommemstat --domain vm_idcc_devel --period 5 --current" does neither update 
nor extend the information.

In vm_idcc_devel virtio_balloon is loaded:
idcc-devel:~ # lsmod|grep balloon
virtio_balloon         22788  0

Guest OS is SLES 10 SP4. Is that too old ?

Yeah, that is ~10 years old and I believe that virtio_balloon module is lacking feature that enable QEMU (and subsequently libvirt) report more info.


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