
Looking into a bug in vagrant-libvirt where an error during the update will
cause the domain to be completely discarded.


Basically I think it stems from doing an undefine -> create with XML new
process, which if there is an issue with the new XML due to KVM module not
loaded or something similar it will be rejected, but unfortunately it is
also unlikely to allow the old definition to be restored either.

I'm looking around to try and see if there is an API (specfically in
ruby-libvirt) for updating the domain definition, so that if the new XML is
rejected at least the old definition remains, and so far I'm drawing a

Is the only option here to write using a temporary domain name, then remove
the old domain and rename the new definition to the old domain?

Or have I missed the obvious API analogous to the edit functionality?
Darragh Bailey
"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool" - unknown

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