Unfortunately, now, the server in question is responding perfectly 
fine, so I have no way of knowing what it was doing that was breaking 
LWP last time.  :(

All I know is that this code didn't work (and since it was getting 
run every minute, after a short period of time, I had consumed all 
the memory and swap space in my machine, sending it to oblivion 

If this code is SUPPOSED to work, then I at least know that its not 
that code that is buggy but LWP or IO, or something else. (and while 
I may not be able to provide more specific information about the bug, 
I can show that one exists *G*)


>"Derek J. Balling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>  OK, I was having this problem on my 5.005_03 boxen, but then when I
>>  moved it to my 5.6.0 boxen, I had the _SAME_ problem.
>>  Sample Code:
>>  #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
>>  use LWP;
>>  use HTTP::Request;
>>  use LWP::UserAgent;
>>  my $request = HTTP::Request->new (GET =>
>>                                '');
>>  my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
>>  $request -> push_header('Host','login.yahoo.com');
>>  $ua -> timeout(45);
>>  $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { die ("Timeout after 45 seconds"); };
>>  $ua -> use_eval(1);
>>  my $response=$ua->request($request);
>>  print $response->code(),"\n";
>>  print $response->message(),"\n";
>>  Now, currently that host is boned, so it should be timing out after
>>  45 seconds with my spiffy error message.
>>  It doesn't.
>>  I have tried it both with and without the "use_eval" line. (Hoping
>>  that the revised code in 5.6.0 would not require it... still no joy).
>>  watchdog6 14:39:50 ~ $ time ./db_test.pl
>>  ^C
>>  real    1m43.673s
>>  user    0m0.236s
>>  sys     0m0.048s
>>  So what am I doing wrong?
>I suggest playing with 'strace' to find some more facts about what is
>really happening.


Derek J. Balling                            408-530-5062
Technical Yahoo                           Do You Yahoo!?

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