libwww-perl-5.802 is available from CPAN. The changes since 5.801 are:

    The HTTP::Message object now have a decoded_content() method.
    This will return the content after any Content-Encodings and
    charsets has been decoded.

    Compress::Zlib is now a prerequisite module.

    HTTP::Request::Common: The POST() function created an invalid
    Content-Type header for file uploads with no parameters.

    Net::HTTP: Allow Transfer-Encoding with trailing whitespace.

    Net::HTTP: Don't allow empty content to be treated as a valid
    HTTP/0.9 response.

    File::Protocol::file: Fixup directory links in HTML generated
    for directories.  Patch by Moshe Kaminsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

    Makefile.PL will try to discover misconfigured systems that
    can't talk to themselves and disable tests that depend on this.

    Makefile.PL will now default to 'n' when asking about whether
    to install the "GET", "HEAD", "POST" programs.  There has been
    too many name clashes with these common names.


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