
Does anyone read this list? I've never had so much trouble getting something fixed in the last 10 year of working with open projects. I've filed bug reports, sent emails to this list, sent email to Gisle. I've seen many people complain about this problem. I've been personally contacted by 4 other people who have discovered this same bug and saw my cpan ticket in RT (http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bug.html? id=13025). The RT ticket just sits there.... I've offered patches to fix the problem. I've offered different test cases. Can someone please tell me how I should go about getting this problem fixed? I would really like to get this issue resolved, and I'm hopeful someone can point me in the right direction since this list seems like the wrong place to go to.

Best Regards,

Brian Hirt

On Aug 31, 2005, at 12:34 PM, Brian Hirt wrote:

Any news on getting this fixed?

I've rewritten my test program to be more simple and i will explain what is wrong, including sample output. hopefully this clears up the prior confusion with my previous bug reports.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use HTTP::Message;
use HTTP::Headers;
use Data::Dumper;

my $content = '------------0xKhTmLbOuNdArY
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="correct"

some data
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="incorrect"


my $headers = HTTP::Headers->new;
$headers->header( 'content-type' => 'multipart/form-data; boundary=----------0xKhTmLbOuNdArY' );
my $m = HTTP::Message->new($headers,$content);

foreach my $part ($m->parts)
  print STDERR Dumper($part);


$VAR1 = bless( {
                 '_content' => 'some data',
                 '_headers' => bless( {
'content-disposition' => 'form-data; name="correct"'
                                      }, 'HTTP::Headers' )
               }, 'HTTP::Message' );
$VAR1 = bless( {
                 '_content' => '',
                 '_headers' => bless( {
'content-disposition' => 'form-data; name="incorrect"',
aoeu' => 'aoeu'
                                      }, 'HTTP::Headers' )
               }, 'HTTP::Message' );

What's wrong: The 2nd Part shows no content and lists "\naoeu" => 'aoeu' as a header. 'aoeu:aoeu' should be the content. The parser is parsing the content of the message. It should not be. Once the blank line is reached, it's the beginning of the content and should no longer be parsed.

Here is the current parse() function:

sub parse
    my($class, $str) = @_;

    my @hdr;
    while (1) {
        if ($str =~ s/^([^ \t:]+)[ \t]*: ?(.*)\n?//) {
            push(@hdr, $1, $2);
            $hdr[-1] =~ s/\r\z//;
        elsif (@hdr && $str =~ s/^([ \t].*)\n?//) {
            $hdr[-1] .= "\n$1";
            $hdr[-1] =~ s/\r\z//;
        else {
            $str =~ s/^\r?\n//;

    new($class, [EMAIL PROTECTED], $str);

When the part is being parsed, the first REGEX is matching past the end of the headers and into the content. This is because the ([^ \t:]+) goes past blank line that is supposed to be the end of the headers and into the content. One way to fix this is to change the code so that it checks for the end of the headers as a last part of the loop.

sub parse
    my($class, $str) = @_;

    my @hdr;
    while (1) {
        if ($str =~ s/^([^ \t:]+)[ \t]*: ?(.*)\n?//) {
            push(@hdr, $1, $2);
            $hdr[-1] =~ s/\r\z//;
        elsif (@hdr && $str =~ s/^([ \t].*)\n?//) {
            $hdr[-1] .= "\n$1";
            $hdr[-1] =~ s/\r\z//;

        # check to see if we are at the end of the headers.
        if ($str =~ /^\r?\n/) {
            $str =~ s/^\r?\n//;

    new($class, [EMAIL PROTECTED], $str);

Please contact me if there is still confusion with this.

Best Regards,

Brian Hirt

On Aug 15, 2005, at 2:12 AM, Brian Hirt wrote:

FYI, i'm not the only one seeing this bug.

Begin forwarded message:

From: " via RT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 13, 2005 8:55:10 PM MDT
Subject: [cpan #13025] parsing bug in HTTP::Message::parse()

Full context and any attached attachments can be found at:
<URL: http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bug.html?id=13025 >

[guest - Mon May 30 19:20:21 2005]:


I've stumbled across a bug in multi-part messages in HTTP::Message.
If the message content contains something that looks like a header, it accidentally gets detected as a header. However, a blank line after a header should signal the end of headers, and below it, the
   start of content as per the spec.  It just looks like your regex
   needs some tweeking, or maybe do something like this:

Found the same problem today... :(

  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use HTTP::Message;
  use Data::Dumper;

  my $bad = qq(Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fetch_url"\n)
      . qq(\nhttp://www.jbisbee.com/\n);
  my $part = HTTP::Message->parse($bad);
  warn Dumper($part);

With the output...

  $VAR1 = bless( {
    '_content' => '',
    '_headers' => bless( {
      'content-disposition' => 'form-data; name="fetch_url"',
      '                                  '
http' => '//www.jbisbee.com/'
    }, 'HTTP::Headers' )
  }, 'HTTP::Message' );

of course this only happens with forms that specify


for uploads so it may be a bit hard to reproduce

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