For radio inputs, disabled method is always returning false (meaning "enabled"), even if all radio inputs are disabled. I think it should return something like: false if at least one radio with same name is not disabled...; true otherwise.

Also when we try to enable the radio, and then modify the input->value, we don't succeed. I think it would be better if the method input->disabled(...) would enable/disable all radio buttons whithin the input..

I'm using libwww-perl-5.803...

Sample code:

   use HTML::Form;

   my $f = HTML::Form->parse(<<EOT, "";);
   <input type=radio name=r0 value=1 disabled>one
   <input type=radio name=r0 value=2 disabled>two
   # here we see radio as not disabled
   print $f->dump;
   # try to enable it
   # then we get the exception: The value '1' has been disabled for
   field 'r0' at
   $f->value("r0", 1);

Has anyone had similar feeling/experience or am I missing something ?

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