No problem. Thank you for the response. I found a way around this. 

1) I used the cpan shell prompt to install:
perl -MCPAN -e shell

CPAN> install Crypt::SSLeay

2) Upon asking me about SSL, I gave it the PARENT directory where all of
my openssl files were located at:


3) When this install request was attempting to install the crypt module,
it ran an error:

sh: cc: not found
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `SSLeay.o'
  /usr/bin/make  -- NOT OK
Running make test
  Can't test without successful make
Running make install
  make had returned bad status, install seems impossible

I installed a free c compiler from Sun "Sun Studio 12". The command line
install allows you to remove unnecessary packages and just get the
necessities. The package is just over 1 gig in size zipped so plan ahead
for the download. 

Thanks to all for the input and special thanks to David Moreno for the
CPAN installer tool tip.

Rafael Sanchez

-----Original Message-----
From: Bret Swedeen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 7:06 AM
To: Sanchez, Rafael MSCC
Subject: Re: Crypt::SSLeay with perl's LWP- UNIX

Sorry Rafael, my knowledge of package installation is somewhat limited 
to the Windows platform.  I don't believe I can provide much assistance 
other than suggest you try setting up CPAN on your Unix machine (search 
the net for installation instructions). CPAN on Unix can help make 
adding modules to your Perl installation easier by searching for modules

and then kicking off an installation of a specific module that will also

install all dependencies. If that doesn't work, then try downloading the

module from directly and follow the MAKE instructions 
included with the module.  In the past I have had much better luck with 
this approach on Unix than using the CPAN set up.  Sorry I cannot 
provide more assistance.

Sanchez, Rafael MSCC wrote:
> Bret and David,
>      Thank you for the very prompt response. It is indeed a UNIX
> environment. Any suggestions? 
> Needless to say, I am very pleased with you and your organizations
> commitment.
> Regards,
> Rafael Sanchez
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bret Swedeen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 3:49 PM
> To: Sanchez, Rafael MSCC
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Crypt::SSLeay with perl's LWP
> If you're using a Windows machine for your Perl development, you might

> try reading an article I wrote for developerworks:
> I detail some of the steps necessary for automating access to a secure

> web site with Perl.  Part of the article addresses the issue of
> downloading, and installing Crypt::SSLeay for Windows.  If you're
> Linux/Unix, however, I'm not sure the article will help.
> Good luck.  Hope that was helpful.
> Sanchez, Rafael MSCC wrote:
>> Greetings,
>>                  I am hoping you can help out with a perl
> configuration
>> we have. My name is Rafael, I'm a systems administrator at Morgan
>> Stanley in Illinois. One of our developers has recently started using
>> Perlx and has gotten far enough to need to use the https
>> with Perl.  Upon running their script, they receive the following
> error:
>> 501 (Not Implemented) Protocol scheme 'https' is not supported
>> (Crypt::SSLeay not installed)
>> Content-Type: text/plain
>> Client-Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 19:17:13 GMT
>> Client-Warning: Internal response
>> LWP will support https URLs if the Crypt::SSLeay module is installed.
>> More information at
>> I am not versed in the world of Perl or it's configurations and I am
>> hoping that you may be able to point us in the right direction. I did
>> find some detailed configuration info online but it contained no info
>> about what file needs to be adjusted.
>> On our system, the Perl installation is located at:
>> /apps/oracle/product/10.2.0/perl/lib/site_perl/5.8.3
>> Is there a way to configure the Crypt::SSLeay module, verify that it
>> exists and configure our installation to use it?
>> Forgive me if any of my questions or statements are a bit misguided
> but
>> I am new to the wolrd of Perl. If there is any other information you
>> would need to assist, please let me know. I am more than happy to
>> provide any more info you may need. 
>> Thanks,
>> Rafael Sanchez
>> Morgan Stanley

Bret Swedeen ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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