Hi Shlomi,

Here is a working example. I tried it on Linux and it works. After many try and error changes. I found that adding a use Net:SSL (); fixes the problem. Which I think means the default IO::Socket::SSL does not (if Net:SSL exists too). Is that possible ?



use strict;
use warnings;

use LWP::UserAgent;

use File::Basename;

# use Net:SSL ();

sub writelog {
   my ($msg, $priority, $dummy, $stack_index) = @_;

   # swapout any carriage returns in error message:
   $msg =~ s|\n| |g;

   $stack_index ||= 0;

   print uc($priority) .  "$msg\n";
}  # end sub _writelog

sub log_and_die {
   my ( $msg, $priority, $dummy ) = @_;

   # get calling function details (one up the stack):
   writelog($msg, "crit: ", "", 1);
   die $msg;

# utility function to transfer a file via GET or PUT to
sub http_transfer {

   my ( $url, $file, $method, $site_details ) = @_;

   die "Need url and dest_file as params" unless @_ > 1;

   # set the method:
   $method ||= "get";

   # set the url:
   $url ||= _url_from_site_details($site_details);

   log_and_die("I need a URL!") unless ($url);

   writelog("Try to [$method] [$url]");

   # skip certification verification:
   my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0 });
   my $response;

   # only needed for gets:
   # create the dest file dir unless it already exists:
   my $file_dir ||= dirname($file);
   unless ( -d $file_dir ) {
       writelog "$file_dir doesn't exist - will create now.";
       make_path $file_dir ;

   # set content_file for output, and send the request:
   $response = $ua->get($url, ':content_file' => $file );

   if ( $response->is_error ) {
log_and_die( "[" . $response->status_line . "] error trying to $method $url.");
   } else {
writelog( "[" . $response->status_line . "] for $method transfer to $url.");

} # end sub _http_transfer

http_transfer( "https://test.com/file " , "download.tmp");

"Shlomi Fish" <shlo...@shlomifish.org> wrote in message news:20120927110442.28e0f...@lap.shlomifish.org...
Hello Markus,

On Sun, 23 Sep 2012 00:19:38 +0100
"Markus Moeller" <hua...@moeller.plus.com> wrote:


I have a problem that my perl modules are not anymore downloading a
large file from a https site.  It worked with a previoius built, but
since I update all modules via cpan it fails after downloading  some

I use the following code:

sub http_transfer {

    my ( $url, $file  ) = @_;

    die "Need url and dest_file as params" unless @_ > 1;

    # set the method:
    $method ||= "get";

    log_and_die("I need a URL!") unless ($url);

    # skip certification verification:
    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( ssl_opts => { verify_hostname =>
0 }); my $response;

    if ( $method eq "get" ) {

        my $file_dir ||= dirname($file);
        unless ( -d $file_dir ) {
            make_path $file_dir ;

        # set content_file for output, and send the request:
        $response = $ua->get($url, ':content_file' => $file );

    if ( $response->is_error ) {
        log_and_die( "[" . $response->status_line . "] error trying
to $method $url.");
} # end sub _http_transfer

Your code is not self-contained, and is strange and suffers from bad idioms.
Can you please provide a self-contained, reproducing, example that
all of us can run?

The platform I run on is Solaris 10 and perl ,  openssl is compiled
with SUNWspro cc.


Do you know if the same code is working fine on an up-to-date Linux distribution?


Shlomi Fish

Any idea how to debug ?  When I use truss I see my old perl modules
just read until the end whereas the new modules for some reason get a
read = 0 somewhere at the beginning of the file download.

Thank you

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
My Public Domain Photos - http://www.flickr.com/photos/shlomif/

Real programmers don’t write workarounds. They tell their users to upgrade
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