I'm downloading packages for my distro into a cache area on my local

I note there is an option to set if-modified-since as well a to get
a cache-freshness value in getting back a response, but the cachefreshness
value seems to always return 1, as it is the number of seconds
old since the item was retrieved.

Thing it, I'd like to get the time& date stamp on the remote item.

Is there some header value that contains the time (in epoch seconds)
for the remote item?

I am also familiar with a variant of the 'GET' method -- 'mirror' which
will set the value of my copy to that on the remote -- so something
must have the actual time stamp of the remote object.

I'm just not sure what call or interface I need to use to get at
it directly.

While the 'mirror' option might be good in the long term, until I'm
sure all my bits and pieces fit together I'd like to be able to
display the local and remote time stamps on the object.

Anyone know the call/header value to use for getting at the remote
object's last-modified time directly?


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