On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 4:55 PM Richard Fontana <rfont...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 5:19 PM VanL <van.lindb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 5. Scope of copyleft.
> >
> >
> > - Beta 2 has been reworked to focus on the transfer of "licenseable"
> parts of the Work. This limits the application to what can be properly
> reached by a license, regardless of what the scope of copyleft turns out to
> be. See Section 2.1 of CAL Beta 2:
> >
> >
> > > 2.1 Application
> >
> > > The terms of this License apply to the Work as you receive it from
> Licensor,
> >
> > > as well as to any modifications, elaborations, or implementations
> created by
> >
> > > You that contain any licenseable portion of the Work (a “Modified
> Work”).
> >
> > > Unless specified, any reference to the Work also applies to a Modified
> Work.
> If I understand correctly, this has the effect of replacing the
> language in the earlier version that would have imposed copyleft
> obligations on APIs by choosing not to address the issue head on
> (contrary to what I think you recommended that license drafters ought
> to do in an earlier thread).
> However, leaving aside the notion of API copyrightability, isn't this
> problematically broad? How do you reconcile it with OSD 9 ("The
> license must not place restrictions on other software that is
> distributed along with the licensed software.")?

Can you explain why this is "problematic" in relation to OSD 9 please
Richard? To my eyes the phrase "any modifications, elaborations, or
implementations created by You that contain any licenseable portion of the
Work" clearly bounds the effect to derivations of the licensed software and
not to unrelated software distributed alongside.

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