On Fri, Aug 02, 2002 at 09:44:23AM -0700, Brian Behlendorf wrote:
> agreement potentially having some OSI-conformant-but-really-silly clauses,
> like "you may not utter the word 'pancreas' while using our software".
> Even the BSD advertising clause is less of a potential annoyance than this
> could be.

And does this use restriction trickle down to any derivatives of the
software? If I use pieces of 10 packages, each with their own use
restriction, am I going to end up having to use the resultant software
only between the hours of 10 and 2, in the dark, without disclosing
results, not uttering the word "pancreas"...

Use licenses scare me.


M. Drew Streib <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Independent Rambler, Software/Standards/Freedom/Law -- http://dtype.org/

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