On Thursday 05 September 2002 03:27 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  But I am not satisfied with them because
> - I want specifically the language (currently Scriptol)
>   to be specified in the license.

What if I wish to translate the source code from Scriptol to Python? Would I 
still be required to distribute the orginal Scriptol sources? And if someone 
translated my Python code to Ruby, would they now be obligated to distribute 
the Scriptol and Python versions? Or does this merely mean that you are 
requiring the use of Scriptol?

> - I want also the web address specified in the license.

I lawyer needs to answer this, because I am a mere laymen. But I have always 
considered the copyright notice to be distinct from the license text. Since 
the web address is in the copyright notice, no one can change it anyway, 
regardless of license. Unless you wish the web address to be "viral", I think 
this is a non issue.

One other point: The second sentence of the license is placing obligtions upon 
YOU the licensor. Is this what you wish?

David Johnson
pgp public key on website
license-discuss archive is at http://crynwr.com/cgi-bin/ezmlm-cgi?3

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