Danese Cooper scripsit:

> As you may know, in my previous work life I personally contributed to
> "License Proliferation" ... Sun submitted four licenses to OSI, of
> which three (SISSL, SPL and CDDL) were approved.  I can tell you that I
> personally tried to convince the product teams in each of those cases
> to use one of the "Big Four" reusable licenses.  Happy to comment on
> why they didn't.  Along the way, though, they learned their lesson (and
> you'll notice that Sun's final engagement with Open Source used GPLv2).

If you are willing to write it, I'd like to read a post from you on
this subject.  I think it would contain valuable information.

> We've also noticed that most people who believe they can select the
> "definitive" collection of worthy licenses do so with bias that excludes
> license categories they hope to downplay for business reasons (witness
> GoogleCode's exclusion of licenses that require attribution or those
> that trigger on use of code rather than distribution).

I think I can safely say I don't do that in my license wizard
<http://home.ccil.org/~cowan/floss>, since I have no such business reasons.

John Cowan    http://ccil.org/~cowan    co...@ccil.org
Economists were put on this planet to make astrologers look good.
        --Leo McGarry
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