On Sun, Jan 22, 2012, at 10:54 PM, John Cowan wrote:
> > Since I'm not a legal professional, I'd prefer someone who is 
> > associated with the Open Source Initiative to provide some 
> > guidance if they might feel inclined. 
> I realize that.  However, I think you have done about 80% of the work to
> kick off the license approval process (see http://opensource.org/approval
> for details), and should just go ahead with what you've got.  If you
> don't do it, no one else is likely to.


I submitted it per your request earlier, but have since made 
another revision of it.  So that anyone interested can follow 
its development, I'll be sticking with GitHub for revisions.
I also sent the link over to debian-legal to get their opinion.

I've updated a discussion of the language, so that my logic can
be evaluated -- https://github.com/tip-o-the-hat/fmn#readme 


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