
I'm searching for the best course of action to develop a project in 'public 
I've read the FAQ and different threads on PD and CC0 in the archive. Basicaly 
the OSI do not recommand using PD/CCO. So ... I don't care, since it's the 
right choice for my objective.

My concern is on contributors, the codebase of the projet has just gone over 
30.000 code lines and is growing at a good rate. (for those interested : 
https://bitbucket.org/Eclesia/un/wiki/Home )

I am collecting all the public domain resources I can find in addition to what 
I write myself. Recently rather then just picking code from other PD resources 
I started to send mails to developers who would likely agree to move there 
code/tutorial/resources in public domain. So far a minority agree (but all gave 
me their support).

One of them accepted and I am about to integrated more then ten thousand code 
lines in the coming weeks, it's the biggest constribution so far so I would 
like to do this correctly and reduce possible legal problems.I keep a precious 
copies of all mails but I would like do know what documents I should ask the 
donor to be on the safe side.

There is no real 'contributor aggrement' since PD is not a license, more 
something like a 'gift' so what should be a reasonable document ? mail ? signed 
letter ?


Johann Sorel

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