David Woolley scripsit:

> It might be needed because it has become important to integrate the
> work with work under and otherwise incompatible open source licence.
> In the past, I think it has been necessary to remove contributions
> from a minor contributor, to achieve this, because they were unable or
> unwilling to licence it under the new licence.

Or so people believe, anyway, and tend to act as if true.  At least some
people think that a co-author can relicense ad libitum at least under
U.S. copyright law.

John Cowan          http://www.ccil.org/~cowan        co...@ccil.org
Micropayment advocates mistakenly believe that efficient allocation of
resources is the purpose of markets.  Efficiency is a byproduct of market
systems, not their goal.  The reasons markets work are not because users
have embraced efficiency but because markets are the best place to allow
users to maximize their preferences, and very often their preferences are
not for conservation of cheap resources.  --Clay Shirky
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