Quoting co...@ccil.org (co...@ccil.org):

> I think the objection is that by copying the PHP license into a
> codebase that isn't PHP, one is forced to utter a falsehood by
> the terms of the license, one of which is "This is PHP".  But
> I don't see any reason to think that when you are forced to copy
> a license verbatim, you are necessarily standing behind any and all
> statements in that license.

Quite so.  It is in the grand tradition of debian-legal to bring up such
objectiosn, even if the defects being discussed are mere blemishes and 
non-fatal to the legal intent.  I actually appreciate them doing so, as
they have a point even if it is not of dire importance.

Cheers,                                     A Spanish todo list has everything.
Rick Moen                                       -- Matt Watson (@biorhythmist) 
McQ! (4x80) 
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