Thank you for your quick response!

Can you clarify whether you can you put a copy of a work in the public domain while maintaining a license on another copy?  Or is it the work itself that is placed in the public domain, and any ability to enforce copyright on any copies has been surrendered? My understanding was that works are placed in the public domain while copies are licensed, and that placing a work in the public domain renounces any copyright claim you might have on any copies regardless of what license they may have been previously released under.  You seem to be saying that a particular copy of a work can be placed in the public domain while other copies remain under copyright restrictions?

With regard to bundled exports, it would help me to look at a concrete case.  Say we have an export from MakeHuman that consists of three files

1) A 3D mesh that was created starting with a 3D mesh that comes with MakeHuman and transformed by the user using MakeHuman.

2) A meta-data file containing information about the character and its appearance created by the user using MakeHuman

3) A texture in the form of an image file from the MakeHuman collection of texture images.

Let's say the user chooses to take the CC0 option.  What is the copyright status of the three files?  Are all three files now in the public domain?  Can the user, or a third party use the individual files without being restricted by the AGPL license that would apply if the CC0 option hadn't been taken?  Or is it only the particular combination of the three that is in the public domain while the individual files are still under copyright?  If it is only the combination that is in the public domain, does it revert to AGPL if you make any modifications?

Thanks again.

On 2017-10-25 11:04 AM, John Cowan wrote:

On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 9:30 AM, Lindsay Patten < <>> wrote:.

    My understanding of CC0 is that it is a declaration that you have
    placed the work in the public domain, with a fallback license in
    case the law in a particular jurisdiction doesn't permit that.  If
    the user takes the CC0 option, what is the status of the
    individual assets that are bundled into the export?  Are they in
    the public domain or still copyrighted by the MakeHuman authors?

Those particular copies are effectively in the public domain, provided that the MakeHuman folks actually hold copyright.  Third party copyrights are of course unaffected.

    What I find confusing is whether CC0 is a license that can be
    applied to a particular copy of a work,

Every license is applicable only to particular copies. The self-same bunch of bits may have a commercial license for one copy that permits certain acts and forbids others, and a GPL license on another copy which has completely different conditions from the commercial license.  As long as the licensor is the owner, that's just fine. SImilarly, bits inside an executable that have been compiled from a BSD source are (at least arguably) under the GPL if other bits in the same executable come from GPLed source.

John Cowan <> <>
The whole of Gaul is quartered into three halves.
        --Julius Caesar

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