Hi everyone.

It's been a few months since we released 1.3.8 and the 1.3 branch has accumulated a bunch of corrections that I think would be nice to deliver to our users. However, once we deliver 1.3.9 we have a problem with version numbers if we want/need to make further releases from the 1.3 branch. (Technical details at the end of the mail.)

I can think of the following ways to handle this:

1) We deliver 1.3.9 and hope we don't need to release anything until 1.4.0 in trunk is ready.

2) We wait and don't deliver 1.3.9 until trunk is almost ready for next release, thereby making sure 1.3.10 is never needed.

3) We deliver 1.3.9 and future 1.3 releases will be called 1.3.9b, 1.3.9c, etc. I.e. they will have the same version number.

4) If a 1.3.10 is needed, the trunk version is bumped to 1.4.1 allowing 1.3.10 to be used. However other clients (and older Licq versions) will identify it as 1.4.0 instead.

5) Same as previous but we change trunk directly to 1.5.0 instead, giving 1.3 plenty of version numbers to use (up to 1.3.19).

6) Next 1.3 version after 1.3.9 will be 1.4.0 even though it's delivered from the 1.3 branch. Next trunk release will use 1.5.0.

Looking at trunk today, I think we're making good progress towards the next main release, but much remains to do so I expect at least another 6 months before it can make a proper release and if we deliver 1.3.9 now I think it's fair to assume we will find more stuff to put in the 1.3 branch before trunk is ready.
Due to this, I think either option 5 or 6 above are the safest ways to go.

So to summarize: Is it time to release 1.3.9? And how to we version releases after that?


Technical stuff on why 1.3 versions higher than 1.3.9 is a problem:
Licq identifies itself towards other ICQ clients with a 16 bit version number. This version is packed, i.e. version "12.34.5" becomes 12000+340+5 = 12345. As the last part of the release only has one digit, encoding 1.3.10 would become 1000+30+10 = 1040, i.e. when decoded it will look like 1.4.0.

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