#1442: Add option to hide "user has joined/left conversation" messages
 Reporter:  flynd  |        Type:  enhancement        
   Status:  new    |    Priority:  low                
Milestone:         |   Component:  qt/kde gui         
  Version:  1.3.4  |    Keywords:  conversation notice
 When using MSN, the notice "user has joined the conversation." and "user
 has left the conversation." is displayed in the chat window, often several
 times during a conversation. I think there is an idle timeout of one
 minute triggering a "left" notice. A "joined" notice is then printed
 together with the next chat-messege sent or recieved.[[BR]]
 As these "left" and "joined" notices has no relation to typing-
 notification or whether the other user has closed his/her chat window they
 are just annoying.[[BR]]
 I suggest having a checkbox to control if these notices should be
 displayed or not. (Currently I've comment out a few lines from the gui-
 code to get rid of them.)

 And by the way, the GUI does not seem to have an option to set the colour
 of these notices. They are always green.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.licq.org/ticket/1442>
Licq <http://www.licq.org/>
Licq - an instant messaging client for UNIX.

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