These suggestions look really good. Thanks! I'll pore over the 
information and will try to figure it out.


Tim Perrett wrote:
> Indeed - just reading this thread back and not quite understanding why
> its *not* possible to friendly urls in lift.... its very easy as derek
> points out.
> Check out:
> Tim
> On Sep 12, 2:17 pm, "Derek Chen-Becker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> You can get the human-readable pages via the LiftRules.addDispatch...
>> methods. They take a partial function which uses a RequestMatcher to
>> determine which handler to use for a particular request. In the process, you
>> can use Scala's List wildcarding to extract parts of the URL that was passed
>> in. The syntax appears to have changed a bit since I tried this last, but in
>> Boot you would do something like this:
>> LiftRules.addDispatchBefore({
>>     case RequestMatcher(RequestState("page" :: page_name :: Nil, _, _, _, _,
>> _, _, _)) => some_handler(_, page_name)
>> })
>> I know I'm butchering that, but that's the general idea. The "page" ::
>> page_name :: Nil matches against the path, so that will match any URL path
>> that looks like "/page/<page_name>" and make the latter portion available
>> for your handlers.
>> Derek
>> On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 4:09 PM, Charles F. Munat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Marius wrote:
>>>>> Also, I like the user-created pages to be accessible by URL (i.e.
>>>>> without a query string) with a readable URL, so:
>>>>> Not:
>>>>>,, or
>>>> What is the difference between and
>>>> p123456? I mean what is the exact problem you're trying to solve?
>>>> Perhaps a more concrete example may help us help you.
>>> A short synopsis can be found here:
>>> If you Google "human-readable URL," you'll get some other interesting
>>> hits. I first encountered the concept years ago when I was spending time
>>> on the W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative list. I've been doing my best
>>> to use human-readable URLs ever since.
>>> But I wasn't actually asking a question, just mentioning this as a
>>> desiderata. I'll figure it out when I get to that point. Meanwhile, I am
>>> getting my hands dirty -- as you put it -- figuring out the SiteMap and
>>> related code. Will post questions as they come up.
>>> Chas.
> > 

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