Sorry. Too lazy to cleanse I just left the package off. There is one, 
and a model._ import, too.

BTW, the snippet is responding, it just gives that snippet error and the 
edit doesn't bind the object's values to the form fields. The list and 
add abilities work just fine. That's what's so confusing. I can't see 
what's all that different from the JPADemo one except Derek's works and 
mine doesn't.


David Pollak wrote:
> You have to define a package for Category.scala
> On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 4:00 PM, Charles F. Munat <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Thanks, Derek. Actually, I don't use .html or even "add" (all my html
>     files are called index.html -- I use directories to sort them). This
>     error came when I was experimenting to see if that made a difference.
>     That said, I get the error all the time. I don't have val dispatch... in
>     my snippets. But that's because I copied the JPADemo over, and your
>     AuthorOps and BookOps don't have the val dispatch either. But the
>     JPADemo doesn't get this error.
>     Also, my edit functions don't work -- the forms are not populated
>     properly. I thought I had it working a minute ago, and now it isn't
>     again.
>     I switched the snippets around a bit and dropped the bind (because I
>     wanted to color code alternate rows and wasn't sure how to do it
>     otherwise). Here is an example:
>     snippet/Category.scala:
>     import scala.xml.{NodeSeq,Text}
>     import net.liftweb.http.{RequestVar,S,SHtml}
>     import net.liftweb.util.Helpers
>     import S._
>     import Helpers._
>     import Model._
>     class CategoryOps {
>       val formatter = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy")
>       def getRowClass(r: Int) = {
>         if (r % 2 == 0) "even" else "odd"
>       }
>       def list: NodeSeq = {
>         <tr valign="top" align="left">
>           <th class="text">Name</th>
>           <th class="integer">Links</th>
>           <th class="blank"> </th>
>           <th class="blank"> </th>
>         </tr> ::
> Model.createNamedQuery[Category]("findAllCategories").getResultList().toList.zipWithIndex.flatMap(c
>     => <tr valign="top" class={getRowClass(c._2)}>
>           <td class="text">{ <>}</td>
>           <td class="integer">{"/links/search/", {() =>
>                  WeblinkOps.resultVar(Model.createNamedQuery[Weblink](
>       "findWeblinksByCategory", "id" ->
>     <>).getResultList().toList)
>             }, Text(category.weblinks.size().toString))}</td>
>           <td class="edit">{"editor", () =>
>     categoryVar(category), Text("Edit"))}</td>
>           <td class="delete"> </td>
>         </tr>)
>       }
>       object categoryVar extends RequestVar(new Category())
>       def category =
>       def editor (xhtml : NodeSeq) : NodeSeq = {
>         def addOrUpdate () = {
>           if ( == 0) {
>            error("emptyCategory", "The category's name cannot be blank")
>           } else {
>            Model.merge(category)
>            redirectTo("/admin/categories/")
>           }
>         }
>         val currentId = <>
>         <form method="POST" action="">
>           <table class="editor" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
>             <tr valign="top" align="left">
>               <th>Name</th>
>               <td>{SHtml.text( <>,
> <> = _)}</td>
>             </tr>
>             <tr valign="top" align="left">
>               <th>{SHtml.hidden({ <> =
>     currentId})} </th>
>               <td>{SHtml.submit("Save", addOrUpdate)}</td>
>             </tr>
>           </table>
>         </form>
>       }
>     }
>     webapp/admin/categories/editor/index.html:
>     <lift:surround with="default" at="content">
>       <h2>Categories</h2>
>       <table class="list">
>         <lift:CategoryOps.list/>
>       </table>
>     </lift:surround>
>     And in Boot.scala:
>     Menu(Loc("categories", List("admin", "categories", "index"),
>         "Categories", LocGroup("admin")),
>       Menu(Loc("categories_add", List("admin", "categories", "editor",
>         "index"), "Add a New Category", Hidden))
>     ),
>     ANY suggestions for how to do any of this better greatly appreciated. Do
>     I need to add the val dispatch... part? If so, why is this different
>     from the JPADemo?
>     Thanks!
>     Chas.
>     Derek Chen-Becker wrote:
>      > It means that the dispatch function on whatever Stateful Snippet is
>      > being called isn't matching what you're asking it to provide. For
>      > instance, if your snippet tag looks like
>      >
>      > <lift:MySnippet.add>
>      >
>      > Then the dispatchPf in the MySnippet stateful snippet has to have a
>      > dispatch function like:
>      >
>      > val dispatch: DispatchIt = {
>      >     case "add" => <some function here> _
>      >   }
>      >
>      > See
>      >
>      > for more details.
>      >
>      > I also know that David has recently /strongly/ recommended not
>     putting
>      > ".html" on the ends of things.
>      >
>      > Derek
>      >
>      > On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 3:15 PM, Charles F. Munat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>      > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
>      >
>      >
>      >     What exactly does this mean? I get a lot of these.
>      >
>      >     WARN - Snippet Failure: SnippetFailure(/admin/users/add.html ->
>      >       ParsePath(List(admin, users, add),html,true,false),
>      >       Full(,
>      >       Stateful Snippet: Dispatch Not Matched)
>      >
>      >     What is failing here and what are the probable causes?
>      >
>      >     Thanks.
>      >
>      >     Chas.
>      >
>      >
>      >
>      >
>      > >
> -- 
> Lift, the simply functional web framework
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