Did git reset then git pull, then ran mvn jetty:run -U in 
liftweb/sites/example/ and got this:

[INFO] [compiler:compile]
[INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
[INFO] [scala:compile {execution: default}]
[INFO] suggestion: remove the scalaVersion from pom.xml
[INFO] Compiling 2 source files to 
[WARNING] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: 
malformed Scala signature of WikiEntry at 9961; reference type _6 of 
<none> refers to nonexisting symbol.
[WARNING]       at 
[INFO] command line returned non-zero value:1


David Pollak wrote:
> Folks,
> I'm made a ton of updates to sitemap.Loc.  If you're using sitemap 
> generically, these changes will not impact you.  However, there are a 
> bunch of new features:
>     * Loc is type-safe in terms of parameters... they're not just
>       name-value pairs
>     * Links and Text for a given Loc can be generated by passing in the
>       appropriate type-safe parameters
>     * Re-write rules can be part of Locs and can extract type-safe
>       parameters which can be accessed and used in subsequent calls
>     * Locs can have page-specific snippets that take as their parameter
>       the parameter generated by the Loc during URL re-writing
> I'll illustrate with code for a page that does all the wiki stuff:
> /**
>  * The WikiStuff object that provides menu, URL rewriting,
>  * and snippet support for the page that displays wiki contents
>  */
> object WikiStuff extends Loc[WikiLoc] {
>   object AllLoc extends WikiLoc("all", false)
>   // the name of the page
>   def name = "wiki"
>   // the default parameters (used for generating the menu listing)
>   def defaultParams = Full(WikiLoc("HomePage", false))
>   // no extra parameters
>   def stuff = Nil
>   // is the current page an "edit" or "view"
>   def currentEdit = foundParam.is.map(_.edit) openOr false
>   /**
>    * Check for page-specific snippets and
>    * do appropriate dispatching
>    */
>   override val snippets: SnippetTest = {
>     case ("wiki", Full(AllLoc)) => showAll _
>     case ("wiki", Full(wp @ WikiLoc(_ , true))) => editRecord(wp.record) _
>     case ("wiki", Full(wp @ WikiLoc(_ , false)))
>     if !wp.record.saved_? => editRecord(wp.record) _
>     case ("wiki", Full(wp: WikiLoc)) => displayRecord(wp.record) _
>   }
>   /**
>    * Generate a link based on the current page
>    */
>   val link =
>     new Loc.Link[WikiLoc](List("wiki"), false) {
>       override def createLink(in: WikiLoc) = {
>     if (in.edit)
>       Full(Text("/wiki/edit/"+urlEncode(in.page)))
>     else
>       Full(Text("/wiki/"+urlEncode(in.page)))
>       }
>     }
>   /**
>    * What's the text of the link?
>    */
>   val text = new Loc.LinkText(calcLinkText _)
>   def calcLinkText(in: WikiLoc): NodeSeq =
>     if (in.edit)
>       Text("Wiki edit "+in.page)
>     else
>       Text("Wiki "+in.page)
>   /**
>    * Rewrite the request and emit the type-safe parameter
>    */
>   override val rewrite: LocRewrite =
>     Full({
>       case RewriteRequest(ParsePath("wiki" :: "edit" :: page :: Nil, _, 
> _,_),
>               _, _) =>
>       (RewriteResponse("wiki" :: Nil), WikiLoc(page, true))
>       case RewriteRequest(ParsePath("wiki" :: page :: Nil, _, _,_),
>               _, _) =>
>       (RewriteResponse("wiki" :: Nil), WikiLoc(page, false))
>     })
> Questions?
> Thanks,
> David
> -- 
> Lift, the simply functional web framework http://liftweb.net
> Collaborative Task Management http://much4.us
> Follow me: http://twitter.com/dpp
> Git some: http://github.com/dpp
> > 

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