
SHtml.text(, = _) %
  ("size", "24") %
  ("maxlength", "48") %
  ("id", "user_name") %
  ("title", "Enter your name")

That should work.


On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 12:21 PM, Charles F. Munat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I spend a lot of time writing % new UnprefixedAttribute(...) to add
> attributes to SHtml form elements (input, textarea, select, etc.).
> It would be nice if the relevant SHtml methods would permit optional
> extra parameters in the form of tuples where contents are name-value
> pairs that get translated to attributes. I don't think this would be a
> breaking change.
> In other words, instead of:
> SHtml.text(, = _) %
>   new UnprefixedAttribute("size", "24",
>     new UnprefixedAttribute("maxlength", "48",
>       new UnprefixedAttribute("id", "user_name",
>         new UnprefixedAttribute("title", "Enter your name", Null)
>       )
>     )
>   )
> I could do:
> SHtml.text(, = _,
>   ("size", "24"),
>   ("maxlength", "48"),
>   ("id", "user_name"),
>   ("title", "Enter your name")
> )
> Which is a hell of a lot cleaner and faster, and I don't have to import
> UnprefixedAttribute and remember the % and the new keywords.
> Or is this already possible and I'm missing it?
> I have an online survey with 43 questions on 5 pages involving more than
> 150 database fields. The snippet is already over 700 lines and growing.
> It's just unmanageable.
> Another thing: the <label> element is a very important part of
> accessibility to persons with disabilities, but it needs a "for"
> attribute that references the "id" attribute of the input element (or
> textarea, etc.). The current SHtml output (unlike Rails) does not
> generate an id attribute, so they have to be added by hand. Has anyone
> given any thought to automatically-generated id elements on form fields?
> Better yet, some way to integrate labels?
> Ideally, I would do something like this:
> <survey:name label="Your name"/>
> Or this:
> <survey:name>Your name</survey:name>
> and bind would allow me to generate this:
> <label for="id123">Your name
> <input type="text" id="id123" value="" name="F1226951216428645000_I0G"/>
> </label>
> What do others think? Is this already possible?
> Chas.
> >

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