You need to cd into the project directory

  cd todo


On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 5:30 PM, mike beckerle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Lifters,
> I tried to follow David Pollack's ToDo example to start trying out
> lift.
> It dies on me before we even get started. I am running maven 2.0.9 on
> Ubuntu.
> Any help resolving this greatly appreciated.
> The first big mvn command succeeds:
>  mvn archetype:create -U \
>  -DarchetypeGroupId=net.liftweb \
> -DarchetypeArtifactId=lift-archetype-basic \
> -DarchetypeVersion=0.10-SNAPSHOT \
> -DremoteRepositories= \
> -DgroupId=com.liftworkshop -DartifactId=todo
> The next step fails:
> mvn jetty:run
> [INFO] Scanning for projects...
> [INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'jetty'.
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jetty-plugin' does
> not exist or no valid version could be found
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Total time: < 1 second
> [INFO] Finished at: Tue Dec 09 18:54:24 EST 2008
> [INFO] Final Memory: 1M/4M
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >

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