Hi -

I'm about halfway through the new ToDo Tutorial available here:


and I wanted to try adding a new column "loc" ("Location").

(NOTE: As pointed out in another threads here today, you have to do
'cd todo' before doing 'mvn jetty:run' on page 6 of the tutorial.)

I added my new column "loc" ("Location") to the model, and it displays
on the screen (in the list of existing ToDo's, and below in the form
for adding a new ToDo), but I can't control the formatting - my
columns aren't straight.

(They just happened to be straight in the *basic* tutorial because the
"desc" or "Description" happens to be the last column, and all the
preceding columns are either Boolean or drop-down menu, which are
fixed width.)

Anybody have an example of this? Between the currying and the Ajax, I
can't quite wrap my mind around how the html is being generated.

Thanks. I'm very exciteds about Scala and /lift/ !

- Stefan Scott

Here are the 3 files I've updated:


<lift:surround with="default" at="content">
    <lift:TD.list all_id="all_todos">
      <div id="all_todos">
        <div>Exclude done <todo:exclude/></div>
              <todo:check><input type="checkbox"/></todo:check>
              <todo:desc>To Do</todo:desc>

    <lift:TD.add form="post">
          <td><todo:desc>To Do</todo:desc></td>

    <lift:menu.item name="Login">Log In</lift:menu.item>



package com.liftworkshop.model

import net.liftweb._
import mapper._
import http._
import SHtml._
import util._

class ToDo extends LongKeyedMapper[ToDo] with IdPK {
  def getSingleton = ToDo

  object done extends MappedBoolean(this)

  object owner extends MappedLongForeignKey(this, User)

  object priority extends MappedInt(this) {
    override def defaultValue = 5
    override def validations = validPriority _ :: super.validations
    def validPriority(in: Int): List[FieldError] =
    if (in > 0 && in <= 10) Nil
    else List(FieldError(this, <b>Priority must be 1-10</b>))
    override def _toForm = Full(select(ToDo.priorityList,
                                       f => set(f.toInt)))

  object desc extends MappedPoliteString(this, 128) {
    override def validations =
    valMinLen(3, "Description must be 3 characters") _ ::

  object loc extends MappedPoliteString(this, 63) {
    override def validations =
    valMinLen(3, "Location must be 3 characters") _ ::

object ToDo extends ToDo with LongKeyedMetaMapper[ToDo] {
  lazy val priorityList = (1 to 10).
  map(v => (v.toString, v.toString))



package com.liftworkshop.snippet
import com.liftworkshop._
import model._
import net.liftweb._
import http._
import SHtml._
import S._
import js._
import JsCmds._
import mapper._
import util._
import Helpers._
import scala.xml.{NodeSeq, Text}

class TD {
  def add(form: NodeSeq) = {
    val todo = ToDo.create.owner(User.currentUser)
    def checkAndSave(): Unit =
    todo.validate match {
      case Nil => todo.save ; S.notice("Added "+todo.desc)
      case xs => S.error(xs) ; S.mapSnippet("TD.add", doBind)
    def doBind(form: NodeSeq) =
    bind("todo", form,
         "priority" -> todo.priority.toForm,
         "desc" -> todo.desc.toForm,
         "loc" -> todo.loc.toForm,
         "submit" -> submit("New", checkAndSave))

  private def toShow =
  ToDo.findAll(By(ToDo.owner, User.currentUser),
               if (QueryNotDone) By(ToDo.done, false)
               else Ignore[ToDo],
               OrderBy(ToDo.done, Ascending),
               OrderBy(ToDo.priority, Descending),
               OrderBy(ToDo.desc, Ascending))

  private def desc(td: ToDo, reDraw: () => JsCmd) =
                            v => {td.desc(v).save; reDraw()})}

  private def loc(td: ToDo, reDraw: () => JsCmd) =
                            v => {td.loc(v).save; reDraw()})}

  private def doList(reDraw: () => JsCmd)(html: NodeSeq): NodeSeq =
  flatMap(td =>
    bind("todo", html,
         "check" -> ajaxCheckbox(td.done,
                                 v => {td.done(v).save; reDraw()}),
         "priority" ->
         ajaxSelect(ToDo.priorityList, Full(td.priority.toString),
                    v => {td.priority(v.toInt).save; reDraw()}),
         "desc" -> desc(td, reDraw),
         "loc" -> loc(td, reDraw)

  def list(html: NodeSeq) = {
    val id = S.attr("all_id").open_!
    def inner(): NodeSeq = {
      def reDraw() = SetHtml(id, inner())
      bind("todo", html,
           "exclude" ->
           ajaxCheckbox(QueryNotDone, v => {QueryNotDone(v); reDraw}),
           "list" -> doList(reDraw) _)


object QueryNotDone extends SessionVar(false)

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