I didn't know what  xmlns:lift="http://liftweb.net/"; meant. My client was
assuming something was happening along the lines of your <rant>*%#!</rant>
Thanks for the info.

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 7:16 AM, Alex Cruise <acru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Viktor Klang wrote:
>> Ah, I read "I have a client doesn't want an external link*/ like/*
>>   xmlns:lift="http://liftweb.net/"";
>> If you're only talking about that namespace declaration, it's just as
>> David says, just a namespace declaration.
> <rant>
> If any software is expecting to find a .dtd or .xsd by doing a GET on a
> namespace URI it has a severe bug.  It happens that many well-known
> public namespace URIs actually *do* return their .dtd or .xsd from their
> namespace URI, but it was probably a mistake to ever set them up that
> way, due to the aforementioned severe bugs that are incredibly widespread.
> The only sane way to figure out where the .dtd or .xsd for a namespace
> URI might be downloaded--if any exists--is to look, in the instance
> document, for either a doctype with a system identifier (for a DTD) or a
> schemaLocation directive (for an XSD).  If you don't see either of
> those, and you absolutely need to validate the document, and there's no
> locally saved copy, throw an exception as early as possible.
> For everyone's sake, PLEASE don't write code that downloads DTDs or
> schemas automatically unless it's doing so in response to a human action
> and is planning to save it locally for later use.
> </rant>
> -0xe1a
> >

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