I just did a minor modification to the lift code so the actual node it
is passed to the BindParam and not its child. Now having:

 bind("todo", html,
                     "exclude" ->  {node:NodeSeq =>ajaxCheckbox
(QueryNotDone, v => {QueryNotDone(v); reDraw})}
  ... )

and the markup <todo:exclude param="Dumb"/>

The node parameter to the anonymous function will be the
<todo:exclude> node and not its children. So now you can access the
"param" attribute from node. The change was in in_bind function so
instead of calling calcValue(s.child) I just call calcValue(s)

Looking at the existent BindParams this change does not seem to cause
side effects since the calcValue 'in' parameter is used only for
FuncXXXBindParam-s. The impact is that the user's function would now
get the actual node (from which now he can extract attributes) and not
the child nodes. But child nodes from the actual node are trivial to

I did not commit this change as I'd like to see other opinions to see
if there is something that I missed somehow. If we get general
consensus of this change I can commit it right away and announce it as
a "breaking change".



On Jan 6, 12:02 pm, Marius <marius.dan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A nice alternative would have been :
>  bind("todo", html,
>                      "exclude" ->  {node:NodeSeq =>ajaxCheckbox
> (QueryNotDone, v => {QueryNotDone(v); reDraw})}
>   ... )
> But here the node impersonates the childNodes not the original node.
> So you still can not access the param attribute below
> <todo:exclude param="Dumb"/>
> but you can do it like:
> <todo:exclude ><meta param="dumb"/></todo:exclude>
> and you have full access to the meta node as it is a child of
> todo:exclude. Hence you can pass state.
> I know, it is not ideal but should be workable until snippet child-
> node attributes are exposed in one way or another.
> Br's,
> Marius
> Marc Boschma wrote:
> > I have been playing with the ToDo example application and having fun
> > in manipulating XML.
> > With the <todo:list/> node I thought it would be good if the XHTML
> > designer could pass in some guidance to the doList(...) method used in
> > bind(..). ie. <todo:list singular="true">...</todo:list>
> > Looking over the bind code I noticed that the attributes are not
> > accessible without ending up changing the calcValue method's
> > signature. I did initially try to knock up a
> >    case class FuncWithAttrBindParam(name: String, value: (NodeSeq,
> > MetaData) => NodeSeq) extends Tuple2(name, value) with BindParam
> > and a corresponding
> >    case Some(ns : FuncWithAttrBindParam) =>
> > in in_bind(...), but it all looks like a huge kludge.
> > It strikes me as a little deficient to be able to utilise attributes
> > within the context of a snippet and yet not within a bind. I know bind
> > is quite embedded in lift now, but I think that this difference might
> > prove a little frustrating. I know one solution is to just create a
> > bind("todo", html,
> >                                  "exclude" ->
> > ajaxCheckbox(QueryNotDone, v => {QueryNotDone(v); reDraw}),
> >                                  "list" -> doList(reDraw, false) _,
> >                            "list_singular" -> doList(reDraw, true) _)
> > But I think from the XHtml designer's perspective that is counter
> > intuitive...
> > Thoughts?
> > ------
> > It should be noted that this is different to the case class
> > FuncAttrBindParam(name: String, value: NodeSeq => NodeSeq, newAttr:
> > String) extends BindParam with BindWithAttr. Which interesting enough
> > has no corresponding SuperArrowAssoc -> method match. Maybe
> >    def ->(t: Tuple2[String, NodeSeq]) = AttrBindParam(name, t._2, t._1)
> >    def ->(t: Tuple2[String, NodeSeq => NodeSeq]) =
> > FuncAttrBindParam(name, t._2, t._1)
> > And maybe even...
> >    def ->[T](t: Tuple2[String, T]) = FuncAttrBindParam(name, (name ->
> > t._2).calcValue _, t._1)
> > or
> >    def ->[T](t: Tuple2[String, T]) = FuncAttrBindParam(name, (t._1 ->
> > t._2).calcValue _, t._1)
> > I'm not sure which is better on the last two... Just a thought.
> > Marc
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