I have an entity thus:

@Table{val name = "cocktails"}
class Cocktail extends BaseEntity {
   @GeneratedValue{val strategy = GenerationType.AUTO}
   var id : Long = _

   var name : String = ""

   var description : String = ""

   var ingredients : String = ""

   @Column{val name = "file_name"}
   var fileName : String = ""

   @Column{val name = "is_archived"}
   var isArchived : Boolean = false

   @Type{val `type` = "com.xxx.model.CocktailGroupType"}
   @Column{val name="cocktail_group"}
   var cocktailGroup: CocktailGroup.Value = CocktailGroup.Originals

Which uses this enumeration:

object CocktailGroup extends Enumeration with Enumv {
   val Originals = Value("Originals")
   val Contemporaries = Value("Contemporaries")
   val Classics = Value("Classics")
   val Others = Value("Others")

class CocktailGroupType extends EnumvType(CocktailGroup) {}

Which is queried thus in orm.xml:

<named-query name="findCocktailsByGroup">
   <query><![CDATA[from Cocktail c
     where c.isArchived = false
     and c.cocktailGroup = :cocktailGroup
     order by c.name]]></query>

And called from CocktailOps.scala:

120: val cocktails = Model.createNamedQuery[Cocktail](
        "cocktailGroup" -> "Originals").findAll

Using Enumv:

trait Enumv  {

   this: Enumeration =>

   private var nameDescriptionMap =
     scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, String]()

   def Value(name: String, desc: String) : Value = {
     nameDescriptionMap += (name -> desc)
     new Val(name)

   def getDescriptionOrName(ev: this.Value) = {
     try {
     } catch {
       case e: NoSuchElementException => ev.toString

   def getNameDescriptionList =  this.elements.toList.map(
     v => (v.toString, getDescriptionOrName(v) ) ).toList

And EnumvType:

abstract class EnumvType(val et: Enumeration with EnumTrait)
   extends UserType {

   val SQL_TYPES = Array({Types.VARCHAR})

   override def sqlTypes() = SQL_TYPES

   override def returnedClass = classOf[et.Value]

   override def equals(x: Object, y: Object): Boolean = {
     return x == y

   override def hashCode(x: Object) = x.hashCode

   override def nullSafeGet(resultSet: ResultSet,
                            names: Array[String],
                            owner: Object): Object = {
     val value = resultSet.getString(names(0))
     if (resultSet.wasNull()) return null
     else {
       return et.valueOf(value)

   override def nullSafeSet(statement: PreparedStatement,
                            value: Object,
                            index: Int): Unit = {
     if (value == null) {
       statement.setNull(index, Types.VARCHAR)
     } else {
       val en = value.toString
       statement.setString(index, en)

   override def deepCopy(value: Object): Object = value

   override def isMutable() = false

   override def disassemble(value: Object) =

   override def assemble(cached: Serializable, owner: Object):
     Serializable = cached

   override def replace(original: Object,
                        target: Object,
                        owner: Object) = original


Which gets me this error:

Exception occured while processing /drinks/

Message: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: 
org.hibernate.PropertyAccessException: could not set a field value by 
reflection setter of com.xxx.model.Cocktail.cocktailGroup

I have tried everything I can think of. This used to work before the 
recent switch to 2.7.3. Can anyone spot the problem?

Thanks. Website down. Am really screwed here.


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