Although I'm using JPA, I'm very curious as to where you're going with 
this. Most of my websites have secure administrative interfaces. Lately, 
I've been playing around with Ext Js (extending YUI) for the back end, 
and having a single "admin" page that modifies itself on the basis of 
AJAX (or Comet) interaction. I could do it with XML, but it's easy to 
pass data back and forth as JSON and JSON wastes less bandwidth.

So I'm currently writing methods to output data in the JSON format that 
Ext Js requires (there is some flexibility here), and other methods to 
take the data back in and update the database. Down the road, I want to 
use Comet to provide editable tables that permit multiple users to work 
on the same dataset at the same time and see each other's changes.

I haven't had time to look at Record yet. Is it in the Scaladocs somewhere?


Marius wrote:
> Hi,
> I was thinking that it might be useful to be able to obtain a JSON
> representation of a Record and also from a JSON construct to create a
> Record.
> Record defines now:
> def suplementalJs(ob: Box[KeyObfuscator]): List[(String, JsExp)] = Nil
> but that's not very intuitive ... not to mention not implemented yet.
> Thoughts ?
> Br's,
> Marius
> > 

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