
What would you like to learn next?

Perhaps we can continue to enhance the Lift mind-bending if we know which
direction to bend it in.



On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 5:29 AM, <> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I finally managed to work my way through the "Getting Started"
> examples. I am getting an impression of Lift, and I must say I am
> absolutely amazed.
> Now, I come pretty much from a PHP background. I did Java and Haskell
> (once a long, long time ago), I dare say I am a pretty good JavaScript
> programmer, but after reading through the "Getting Started", I realize
> that I have a lot of work to do until I can truly appreciate the power
> of Lift (and Scala).
> I don't know where to continue, though. Do you guys know any good
> references (books, blogs,...) where someone like me can go now to
> increase my knowledge? I guess I could hack together a small app, but
> I feel like I am too stuck on my PHP perspective of things and don't
> really know how to productively program in Scala and Lift.
> So, any references, book recommendations, and so forth, would be
> GREATLY appreciated. And, once again, amazing work from what I can see
> so far.
> >

Lift, the simply functional web framework
Beginning Scala
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