To quote David from a previous thread on the mailing list:

> I've enhanced LiftRules as follows:
>  /**
>  * A partial function that determines content type based on an  
> incoming
>  * RequestState and Accept header
>  */
>  var determineContentType:
>  PartialFunction[(Can[RequestState], Can[String]), String] = {
>    case (_, Full(accept)) if
> accept.toLowerCase.contains("application/xhtml+xml") =>
>      "application/xhtml+xml"
>    case _ => "text/html"
>  }
> You can change the determineContentType Partial Function in Boot.scala
> to accomplish your goals.

So maybe you could add in Boot.scala

determineContentType = {
                case (Full(req), _) if req.path match {
                        case "text" :: "only" :: _ => true
                        case _ => false} => "text/html"
        } orElse determineContentType

which would set the return type of any page under and including "/text/ 
only" to "text/html" and if not under that would chain to the standard  
lift content type determine partial function...

Obviously you could define your own function to check the path rather  
than in-line it...

David: Would req.param("x") be the equivalent to S.param("x") ??



On 17/03/2009, at 2:58 PM, David Pollak wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 8:51 PM, Jeremy Mawson < 
> > wrote:
> Thanks Marc.  <xml:group> works nicely.
> For this exercise this is hypothetical, but it matches very closely  
> a project I have enabled in the past using struts and JIBX...
> Say the data was sourced from an external party's service and there  
> was a contractual agreement to not alter the data in any way? I.E.  
> I'm stuck with the poorly formed HTML. Probably one could agree with  
> the partner that the transformation to valid XHTML is appropriate,  
> but I'll let the question stand anyway.
> Is poorly formed (but otherwise supported-by-browsers) HTML  
> renderable via Lift at all?
> If it's supported by the browser, it will be rendered, but Firefox  
> and Chrome will both complain about malformed XHTML.
> You could run the String through an HTML parser (there are a few  
> floating around for Java that will parse poorly formed HTML) and  
> then walk the nodes and build XML.  I would argue that this would  
> satisfy any contractual requirements, although I no longer practice  
> law, so I can't argue it on your behalf. :-)
> Cheers
> Jeremy
> 2009/3/17 Marc Boschma <>
> On 17/03/2009, at 12:36 PM, Jeremy Mawson wrote:
>> If I change the line to "description" ->   
>> <span>{Unparsed(result.description)}</span>, it compiles but I have  
>> an unwanted span tag and worse ... if result.description is not  
>> well formed XML my page will fail to render! Firefox complains of  
>> an XML Parsing Error. The description field has an unmatched <br>  
>> tag (literally &lt;br&gt;) in the middle of it to force it onto two  
>> lines.
> Try "description" -> <xml:group>{Unparsed(result.description)}</ 
> xml:group>
> That wraps the string in a scala XML group node...
> With respect to the <br> tag, it should be <br/> or <br></br> to be  
> well formed. If you want to support non-well formed XML fro the  
> database wouldn't you need to parse it and convert it to well formed  
> first or upon retrieval ?
> Regards,
> Marc
> -- 
> Jeremy Mawson
> Senior Developer | Online Directories
> Sensis Pty Ltd
> 222 Lonsdale St
> Melbourne 3000
> E:
> -- 
> Lift, the simply functional web framework
> Beginning Scala
> Follow me:
> Git some:
> >

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