
I've been working on OSGi support in scala, specifically 2 things:

1) OSGi-ifying scala standard libraries isn't too bad.  I have project which
does this: http://github.com/jsuereth/scala-jigsaw/tree/master  I'd like to
add this to the standard scala build so there is no  more differentation
between an OSGi version of scala and a non-OSGi version.   Currently all
this does is use BND to add a few entries to the manifests of each library.
The issue here would be updating the eclipse plugin so that dogfooding is
still possible (the current method breaks it).  I haven't had the time to
invest in fixing this yet.

2) A method of enforcing module visibility inside the compiler.  I've
started a scalac plugin:
http://github.com/jsuereth/osgi-scalac-plugin/tree/master to make this
happen.   Currently it only pays attention to libraries that declare
"packge-export" in their manifest and warns for all other import types.
Help here would be appreciated if anyone is interested!!!

Whatever is decided would be great!  Recently I haven't had as much time as
desired to hack on these and bring them up to "production ready".   So, if
they are handy in whatever we decide to do, great!

I would prefer not having different artifacts for "OSGi scala" vs. "non-OSGi
scala".  ( *The main reason is that the same maven plugin could be used in
both cases ;)* )


On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 11:37 AM, Heiko Seeberger <fightgrav...@me.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I am currently working on different "OSGi on Scala" projects, e.g.
> ScalaModules <http://www.scalamodules.org>, Lift <http://www.liftweb.net> 
> (OSGi-fying
> Lift) and BindForge <http://www.bindforge.org>. I do not know how well
> OSGi is known in the Scala space, but it will be a very serious thing for
> Java and in my opinion also very useful for Scala. To keep things simple: It
> is a dynamic module system which allows to develop and deploy modular
> Java/Scala systems. Basically there is some metadata specified in a JAR's
> manifest declaring things like module ID and version, public API,
> dependencies, etc. Hence all that is needed to OSGi-fy an existing library
> is adding the necessary manifest headers.
> For the above mentioned projects me and my mates have created OSGi-fied
> versions of the Scala libraries (scala-lang and scala-compiler so far). But
> that is redundant work! We would like to create these OSGi-fied Scala
> libraries in ONE common project and publish these to ONE central Maven
> repository. So far I have been talking to David Pollak and we decided to go
> for:
> "org.scala-lang" as group id and "scala-library-osgi",
> "scala-compiler-osgi", etc. as artifact ids.
> This naming resembles the "original" Scala libraries and makes clear that
> you will find OSGi inside.
> What do you think? Any other ideas?
> Heiko

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