
Here's what I tried, based on your sample code:

class MyList {

val json =  JsObj(("tabs",  JsArray(
                    JsObj(("class" -> "posts selected")),
                    JsObj(("class" -> "comments")),
                    JsObj(("class" -> "category")),
                    JsObj(("class" ->"famous")),
                    JsObj(("class" -> "random"))


def renderButton(xhtml: Group):NodeSeq = {
  bind("ex", xhtml, "button" -> ajaxButton("Press me", () => {
      val matches = json.toList.filter(e => e.indexOf("tabs") > -1)

      JsCrVar("items", json) &
        JsCrVar("func", Jx(<ul class="tabMenu">
                             {JxMap(JsVar("it.tabs"), Jx(<li>
                                    {JsVar("it", "class")}</li>))
                           </ul>).toJs) &
        (ElemById("items_list") ~> JsFunc("appendChild", Call("func",


And here's the html:

<lift:surround with="default" at="content">



           <div id="items_list"></div>



The button is emitted but the "items" variable is not. In any case,
the code above does not do anything.
Have I got it all wrong?

Glenn Silverman

On Apr 16, 9:26 am, "marius d." <> wrote:
> Glenn,
> It looks like there was a typo in the book:
> bind("ex", xhtml,
>   "button" -> SHtml.ajaxButton(Text(Press me), ajaxFunc _)  // missing
> underscore for partial function application
> If you want to use Jx when say pressing a button ... is it Ajax
> something that you're looking for? .. such as:
> 1. Press the button
> 2. Return the function generated by Jx and call it by providing a JSON
> structure
> Assume you jave a JsObj containing the JSON structure you want.
> var json = JsObj(..) containing the structure:
> // {
> //            tabs: [
> //              {class: posts selected},
> //              {class: comments},
> //              {class: category},
> //              {class: famous},
> //              {class: random}
> //            ]
> //          }
>   bind("text", html,
>             "show"  -> ajaxButton("Press me", () => {
>                val matches = names.filter(e => e.indexOf(value) > -1)
>                JsCrVar("items", json) &
>                JsCrVar("func", Jx(<ul>{
>                                     JxMap(JsVar("it.tabs"), Jx(<li>
> {JsVar("it", "class")}</li>))
>                                   }
>                                    </ul>).toJs) &
>                (ElemById("items_list") ~> JsFunc("appendChild", Call
> ("func", JsVar("items"))))
>              })
>     )
> where items_list is the ID of a div element.
> Would that work for you ?
> Br's,
> Marius
> On Apr 16, 6:49 pm, TylerWeir <> wrote:
> > There is an odd issue with quotes getting stripped from the book
> > during Lyx -> pdf.
> > This looks to be a case of that.
> > On Apr 16, 11:32 am, glenn <> wrote:
> > > Marius,
> > > You asked about the Java version I'm using and why I couldn't run the
> > > Liftbook
> > > example as-is.
> > > My development environment is Eclipse with the scala plugin running
> > > Java 1.6.
> > > I assume I'm always compiling with the latest scala/lift libraries, as
> > > I use maven to
> > > package and run.
> > > I get the following compiler error:
> > > "overloaded method value ajaxButton with alternatives (String,() =>
> > > net.liftweb.http.js.JsCmd,(String, String)*)scala.xml.Elem <and>
> > > (scala.xml.NodeSeq,() => net.liftweb.http.js.JsCmd,(String, String)*)
> > > scala.xml.Elem cannot be applied to
> > > (scala.xml.Text,net.liftweb.http.js.JsCmd)      TabMenu.scala   
> > > sample/src/
> > > main/scala/com/exmbly/scala/sample/snippet      Unknown Scala Problem"
> > > Changing the call to
> > > bind("ex", xhtml,
> > >   "button" -> SHtml.ajaxButton(Text(Press me), () => ajaxFunc)
> > > does work, however (Press me needs to be quoted. It's not in the
> > > book).
> > > Glenn Silverman
> > > On Apr 16, 6:49 am, David Pollak <>
> > > wrote:
> > > > On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 3:19 PM, glenn <> wrote:
> > > > > Actually, the json example code in the Liftbook works, as long
> > > > > as you change it to read:
> > > > > bind("ex", xhtml,
> > > > > "button" -> SHtml.ajaxButton(Text(Press me), () => ajaxFunc)
> > > > > But this example uses a simple function, alert, and emits it using
> > > > > JsRaw.
> > > > > I would like to see a similar example, but using Jx to emit a
> > > > > javascript function and have it called.
> > > > Jx is for generating functions that generate XML on the client side.  
> > > > It's
> > > > for building rich client-side applications.
> > > > In the button example, the code being called is on the server side, so 
> > > > the
> > > > client-side code is less relevant.
> > > > If you could talk about what you're trying to build, it might be easier 
> > > > to
> > > > discuss things in concrete terms rather than in abstract terms.
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > David
> > > > > Glenn Silverman
> > > > > On Apr 15, 2:58 pm, glenn <> wrote:
> > > > > > Marius,
> > > > > > I appreciate the reply. Not sure if it helps, though. What's with
> > > > > > (JsVar("items") and why did you use that?
> > > > > > The Liftbook is very cryptic on the use of Jx classes. It just says,
> > > > > > " If we send this generated JavaScript function to client and 
> > > > > > calling
> > > > > > it by pass the list variable
> > > > > > above It will create the following document fragment:..."
> > > > > > Nothing in the book about how to actually do this.
> > > > > > I tried the json example in the book (sec 8.4) and all I got emitted
> > > > > > on the client was:
> > > > > >   <button onclick="lift_ajaxHandler('F560600551708Y4K=true', null,
> > > > > > null); return false;">Press me</button>
> > > > > > That doesn't do any good. Generated variable names in emitted
> > > > > > javascript aren't much good for referencing in scala classes.
> > > > > > The book is wrong by the way. This won't compile.
> > > > > > bind("ex", xhtml,
> > > > > > "button" -> SHtml.ajaxButton(Text(Press me), ajaxFunc)
> > > > > > You need to do something like this:
> > > > > > bind("ex", xhtml,
> > > > > > "button" -> SHtml.ajaxButton(Text(Press me), () => ajaxFunc)
> > > > > > Maybe that's why I'm getting 'F560600551708Y4K=true' emitted.
> > > > > > I'm beginning to think nobody has actually written code using the Jx
> > > > > > classes
> > > > > > that works.
> > > > > > Glenn Silverman
> > > > > > On Apr 15, 12:30 pm, "marius d." <> wrote:
> > > > > > > How about
> > > > > > > 1. Use a decalred variable
> > > > > > > JsCrVar("func", Jx(<ul>{
> > > > > > >                                     JxMap(JsVar("it"), Jx(<li><a
> > > > > > > href="">{JsVar("it")}</a></li>))
> > > > > > >                                    }
> > > > > > >                                    </ul>).toJs) & Call("func", 
> > > > > > > JsVar
> > > > > > > ("items"))
> > > > > > > 2.
> > > > > > >  Jx(<ul>{
> > > > > > >      JxMap(JsVar("it"), Jx(<li><a href="">{JsVar("it")}</a></li>))
> > > > > > >  }</ul>).toJs asInstanceOf[AnonFunc].applied(JsVar("items"))
> > > > > > > ... that should just call the anonymous function constructed by Jx
> > > > > > > Note that I haven't actaully tested the code but is should work 
> > > > > > > unless
> > > > > > > I'm missing some parentheses etc.
> > > > > > > Also Jx is discussed in the LiftBook
> > > > > > > Br's,
> > > > > > > Marius
> > > > > > > On Apr 15, 9:25 pm, glenn <> wrote:
> > > > > > > > I'm a novice at this, and I've seen discussions of using Jx 
> > > > > > > > classes
> > > > > to
> > > > > > > > output HTML on the client, but how exactly is this done?  Are 
> > > > > > > > there
> > > > > > > > any complete examples of sending JavaScript functions produced 
> > > > > > > > by the
> > > > > > > > Jx classes to the client and running them?
> > > > > > > > Suppose, for example, I have a json object:
> > > > > > > > var list = {
> > > > > > > >             tabs: [
> > > > > > > >               {class: posts selected},
> > > > > > > >               {class: comments},
> > > > > > > >               {class: category},
> > > > > > > >               {class: famous},
> > > > > > > >               {class: random}
> > > > > > > >             ]
> > > > > > > >           }
> > > > > > > > and a function defined so:
> > > > > > > > def renderTabs = Jx(<li class='{JsVar("it", "class")}'></li>)
> > > > > > > > I then want to create tabs on the client with
> > > > > > > > Jx(<ul class="tabMenu">{JxMap(JsVar("it.tabs"), 
> > > > > > > > renderTabs)}</ul>)
> > > > > > > > How, exactly is this to be done? Obviously, this won't work - 
> > > > > > > > the
> > > > > > > > JavaScript function isn't generated:
> > > > > > > > def head(xhtml:NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
> > > > > > > >     val  renderTabs = Jx(<li class='{JsVar("it", 
> > > > > > > > "class")}'></li>)
> > > > > > > >     <head>
> > > > > > > >           <script type="text/javascript">
> > > > > > > >                  Jx(<ul class="tabMenu">{JxMap(JsVar("it.tabs"),
> > > > > > > > renderTabs)}</ul>)
> > > > > > > >       </script>
> > > > > > > >     </head>
> > > > > > > >   }
> > > > > > > > I see the value in the Jx classes, if only I knew how to use 
> > > > > > > > them.
> > > > > > > > Any help would be appreciated
> > > > > > > > Glenn Silverman
> > > > --
> > > > Lift, the simply functional web framework
> > > > Beginning Scala
> > > > Follow me:
> > > > Git some:

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