On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 8:07 PM, Miles Sabin <mi...@milessabin.com> wrote:

> I think that all of this sounds generally positive, but I have to ask ...
> Why is this thread (now) titled "Improving out Eclipse experience"?
> What is Eclipse doing wrong here?
> Cheers,
> Miles

TBH my biggest complaint when using lift with eclipse is my complaint every
time I use multiple plugins with eclipse, and that is the cross-plugin
integration (particularly maven + scala or maven + javascript).  In general,
things work, but there are a few large potholes you have to avoid.  Being a
regular driver, I sometimes forget these potholes exist (as I learned to
instinctively avoid them.)  Actually the "Add Scala Nature" feature (from so
long ago) and the new aspects-for-working-around-the-jdt provides fixes for
90% of the integration problems I had.  I don't really see any specific
thing in the plugin to make this better, just as things show up, fixing
minor issues and "playing nicely".

The second biggest complaint would be mismatched scala version issues.  Lift
may be compiled against scala 2.7.3, so i need to make sure that the
"eclipse compiled" files do not mingle with the "maven compiled" files.
This way, in production I have everything against scala 2.7.3 but inside
eclipse it's using Scala 2.8.0-xxx or 2.74.-rc1.   In general this is fine,
but sometimes I cannot run/debug applications in eclipse due to the mismatch
(very fun exceptions on startup).  I've been working on making this
reproducable (and therefore fixable), but have not yet done so.  In general,
on my work machine I run similar version (plugin == maven) so it's not an
issue.   However this means I'm usually behind at work for bug fixes and
such.  It would be nice if the plugin could use its own internal compiler
for IDE features (auto-complete, refactoring, outlines, etc) but allow me to
specify a version of scala to use when compiling .class files so we don't
have this mismatch.   I realize this is a huge feature request, but I don't
mind helping contribute to make it happen ;)

So far you've already taken the plugin from something only us "bleeding
edge" folk would use, to something my coworkers are using without
complaining.  Kudos! and please keep up the good work.

- Josh

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