The main one i've come across is that whole jetty WebAppContext which
I dont seem to be able to get rid of.... did anyone find a solution
for that?

Cheers, Tim

On Apr 21, 8:45 pm, Derek Chen-Becker <> wrote:
> Eclipse has been on and off with me. The new version definitely works
> better, but I write code against Maven projects with nested modules and that
> combination seems to make everything fairly unhappy. I get weird error
> messages like "_root_ does not exist" that go away if I stop and restart
> Eclipse.
> Derek
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Lee Mighdoll <> wrote:
> > I've played a bit with both netbeans 6.7m2 and eclipse 3.4.2 with the 2.7.3
> > plugin.  I'm currently using eclipse, but I've found it to be fairly
> > tempermental... I often have to manually do a clean build to get correct
> > error messages, or reload the file in the editor, and stepping through the
> > debugger ping pongs up and down a bit.  But when eclipse works, the
> > turnaround time to restart a lift application is less than five seconds, and
> > the debugger generally works well.  I'm hoping that the 2.7.4 version of
> > eclipse will be better.
> > I had some trouble debugging with netbeans -- I couldn't set scala
> > breakpoints in some places for example.
> > The netbeans javascript code editor is the best I've used so far.  Aptana
> > provides a nice (free) javascript debugging environment for eclipse.
> > Lee
> > On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 10:16 AM, Kai M. <> wrote:
> >> On Apr 21, 7:10 am, Lee Mighdoll <> wrote:
> >> > On my version, I see a bunch of libraries that start out M2_REPO, and if
> >> I
> >> > scroll the library window to the right I see that M2_REPO is
> >> successfully
> >> > resolved to: - /home/lee/.m2/repository... If you don't see the
> >> libraries
> >> > resolved correctly to your repository, Add Variable .. > Configure
> >> > Variables..., gives you the chance to set the M2_REPO.
> >> thanks alot for this fact. indeed the var was not set. however, after
> >> setting it up, eclipse does not show any import-errors but i still can
> >> not navigate into the sources nor do a proper build.
> >> switching to netbeans right now... i really hope it wont get eclipse-
> >> like PITA
> >> +42 for eclipse-screencast ;)
> >> thanks!
> >> kai
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