now this looks impressive!
can't wait.

From: David Pollak <>
To: liftweb <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 7:07:24 PM
Subject: [Lift] Lift and Bespin... a new way to develop web apps...


I spent an hour with Dion Almaer yesterday.  Dion is one of the guys behind 

Dion and I blocked out how Lift, when running in developer mode, could expose 
data via JSON giving Bespin information about the Lift app and read/write 
capabilities on the Lift app source files.  Combined with the scala:cc Maven 
command and JavaRebel, we can get code updated without a full build cycle.  
Further, I've got some ideas about how to dynamically bind JSON requests that 
should intersect nicely with the dynamic nature of things.

The Bespin folks are working on a GUI builder called Thunderclap.  Dion and I 
want to make it so that building GUI apps with Bespin and Lift is as simple as 
wiring up applications in OS X's Interface Builder.  The initial goal is to be 
able to build a chat application and then collaborate with another developer on 
expanding the chat application while chatting with the other developer in the 
already running chat application.

More news as it becomes available.



Lift, the simply functional web framework
Beginning Scala
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