Sorry it is not currenlty supported by (v)scaladoc, but it should. I created
So use tag you need (existing, whish,...) and I'll try to add support in
vscaladoc (1.3+, 1.2 will be release next week-end).

On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 22:13, Derek Chen-Becker <>wrote:

> OK, I had missed a trailing slash, which was screwing up S.scala. Now that
> I have the docs built, I'm noticing another issue. vscaladoc doesn't appear
> to properly process "@see" tags according to the javadoc conventions:
> For instance, I have this in the scaladoc comment for S.request:
>   /**
>    * Get the current Req
>    *
>    * @return the current Req
>    *
>    * @see Req
>    */
>   def request: Box[Req] = Box !! _request.value
> But the scaladoc just outputs plain text "Req" instead of a link to the Req
> class page. Similarly, if I use the "method within this class" notation:
>   /**
>    * Finds a cookie with the given name
>    * @param name - the name of the cookie to find
>    *
>    * @return Full(cookie) if the cookie exists, Empty otherwise
>    *
>    * @see #receivedCookies()
>    * @see #addCookie(Cookie)
>    * @see #deleteCookie(Cookie)
>    * @see #deleteCookie(String)
>    */
>   def findCookie(name: String): Box[Cookie] =
> I get just the "#receivedCookies()" text, etc. Is this something that
> vscaladoc supports? I think that having cross-links in the documentation
> would really help people navigate the functionality in Lift.
> Thanks,
> Derek
> On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 1:41 PM, Derek Chen-Becker 
> <>wrote:
>> I'm issuing this from within liftweb/lift. I'm going to try a root "mvn
>> clean install" to make sure that I haven't somehow broken the code by adding
>> comments.
>> Derek
>> On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 1:35 PM, David Bernard <
>> > wrote:
>>> I think you have the problem because the jar with net.liftweb.utils was
>>> not in your classpath.
>>> (v)scaladoc works only on compilable code.
>>> On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 21:32, David Bernard 
>>> <>wrote:
>>>> could you try :
>>>> cd liftweb
>>>> mvn install site-deploy -Prelease
>>>> the fully generated site should be generated into
>>>> $HOME/.m2/mvn-sites/liftweb
>>>> On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 21:17, Derek Chen-Becker 
>>>> <>wrote:
>>>>> I'm working on updating the Scaladocs right now and I'm running into
>>>>> issues generating the site. vscaladoc seems to download OK now, but when 
>>>>> it
>>>>> runs I get all sorts of errors. Am I doing something wrong? Here's what 
>>>>> I'm
>>>>> getting:
>>>>> [INFO] [site:site]
>>>>> [INFO] Generating "Project License" report.
>>>>> [INFO] Generating "Dependency Convergence" report.
>>>>> [INFO] Generating "Source Repository" report.
>>>>> [INFO] Generating "Continuous Integration" report.
>>>>> [INFO] Generating "Plugin Management" report.
>>>>> [INFO] Generating "Issue Tracking" report.
>>>>> [INFO] Generating "Project Team" report.
>>>>> [INFO] Generating "Mailing Lists" report.
>>>>> [INFO] Generating "About" report.
>>>>> [INFO] Generating "Project Plugins" report.
>>>>> [INFO] Generating "Project Summary" report.
>>>>> [INFO] Generating "Dependency Management" report.
>>>>> [INFO] Generating "Dependencies" report.
>>>>> [INFO] Generating "Surefire Report" report.
>>>>> [WARNING] Unable to locate Test Source XRef to link to - DISABLED
>>>>> [INFO] Generating "ScalaDocs" report.
>>>>> [INFO] Checking for multiple versions of scala
>>>>> [INFO] delete :/home/software/liftweb/lift/target/site/scaladocs
>>>>> [WARNING]
>>>>> /home/software/liftweb/lift/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/http/SHtml.scala:19:
>>>>> error: value util is not a member of package net.liftweb
>>>>> [WARNING] import
>>>>> [WARNING]                           ^
>>>>> [WARNING]
>>>>> /home/software/liftweb/lift/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/http/SHtml.scala:20:
>>>>> error: value util is not a member of package net.liftweb
>>>>> [WARNING] import
>>>>> [WARNING]                           ^
>>>>> [WARNING]
>>>>> /home/software/liftweb/lift/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/http/js/JsCommands.scala:19:
>>>>> error: value util is not a member of package net.liftweb
>>>>> [WARNING] import
>>>>> [WARNING]                           ^
>>>>> [WARNING]
>>>>> /home/software/liftweb/lift/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/http/js/JsCommands.scala:20:
>>>>> error: value util is not a member of package net.liftweb
>>>>> [WARNING] import
>>>>> [WARNING]                           ^
>>>>> [WARNING]
>>>>> /home/software/liftweb/lift/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/http/js/JsCommands.scala:21:
>>>>> error: value util is not a member of package net.liftweb
>>>>> [WARNING] import
>>>>> [WARNING]                           ^
>>>>> [WARNING]
>>>>> /home/software/liftweb/lift/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/http/js/JsCommands.scala:22:
>>>>> error: value util is not a member of package net.liftweb
>>>>> [WARNING] import
>>>>> [WARNING]                           ^
>>>>> [WARNING]
>>>>> /home/software/liftweb/lift/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/http/S.scala:24:
>>>>> error: value util is not a member of package net.liftweb
>>>>> [WARNING] import{Helpers, ThreadGlobal,
>>>>> LoanWrapper, Box, Empty, Full, Failure,
>>>>> [WARNING]                           ^
>>>>> [WARNING]
>>>>> /home/software/liftweb/lift/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/http/SHtml.scala:216:
>>>>> error: missing parameter type
>>>>> [WARNING]     jsonText(value, exp => json(cmd, exp), attrs :_*)
>>>>> [WARNING]                     ^
>>>>> [WARNING]
>>>>> /home/software/liftweb/lift/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/http/LiftRules.scala:19:
>>>>> error: value util is not a member of package net.liftweb
>>>>> [WARNING] import
>>>>> [WARNING]                           ^
>>>>> [WARNING]
>>>>> /home/software/liftweb/lift/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/http/LiftRules.scala:20:
>>>>> error: value util is not a member of package net.liftweb
>>>>> [WARNING] import
>>>>> [WARNING]                           ^
>>>>> [WARNING]
>>>>> /home/software/liftweb/lift/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/http/SHtml.scala:297:
>>>>> error: value % is not a member of Any
>>>>> [WARNING]     (<span>{rs % ("onclick" -> (ui.hide(sid).cmd &
>>>>> [WARNING]                ^
>>>>> [WARNING]
>>>>> /home/software/liftweb/lift/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/http/SHtml.scala:299:
>>>>> error: value % is not a member of Any
>>>>> [WARNING]         {dealWithBlur(rh % ("style" -> "display: none"),
>>>>> ( & ui.hide(hid).cmd))}
>>>>> [WARNING]                          ^
>>>>> [WARNING]
>>>>> /home/software/liftweb/lift/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/http/js/JSArtifacts.scala:20:
>>>>> error: value util is not a member of package net.liftweb
>>>>> [WARNING] import{Box, Full, Empty}
>>>>> [WARNING]                           ^
>>>>> [WARNING]
>>>>> /home/software/liftweb/lift/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/http/SHtml.scala:308:
>>>>> error: type mismatch;
>>>>> [WARNING]  found   : Any
>>>>> [WARNING]  required: String
>>>>> [WARNING]     val rh = <span id={hid}>{hidden( +
>>>>> ";" + ui.hide(hid).toJsCmd + ";")}</span>
>>>>> [WARNING]                                             ^
>>>>> [WARNING]
>>>>> /home/software/liftweb/lift/src/main/scala/net/liftweb/http/SHtml.scala:309:
>>>>> error: value % is not a member of Any
>>>>> [WARNING]     (<span>{rs % ("onclick" -> (ui.hide(sid).toJsCmd + ";" +
>>>>> + "; return false;"))}{
>>>>> [WARNING]                ^
> >

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